Just found a small stash of images from 2005 when I was an admin of quite a popular forum for the time. During one long software update I used a shared "graffiti wall" to keep users updated, with a hand-drawn progress bar and status messages. They added their own thoughts, feelings and art. Wish I had a video, it went on for at least an hour, mobbed at first and hilarious at times. This is the only remnant. #SimplerTimes #UserEngagement
@paul im old enough to remember tweetdeck taking feeds from other social networks ...
Everything announced at Day Of The Devs: SGF Edition 2023 - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/everything-announced-at-day-of-the-devs-sgf-edition-2023 #GeometricInteractive #ThunderfulPublishing #AnnapurnaInteractive #LululuEntertainment #Birdview/Isometric #MarsFirstLogistics #SaltseaChronicles #HyperLightBreaker #GearboxPublishing #RichardHofmeier #ActionAdventure #WishesUnlimited #SummerGameFest #NintendoSwitch #DieGuteFabrik #HenryHalfhead #SadOwlStudios #MoonloopGames #SimplerTimes #Land
#land #simplertimes #moonloopgames #sadowlstudios #henryhalfhead #diegutefabrik #nintendoswitch #SummerGameFest #wishesunlimited #ActionAdventure #richardhofmeier #gearboxpublishing #HyperLightBreaker #saltseachronicles #MarsFirstLogistics #birdview #LululuEntertainment #annapurnainteractive #ThunderfulPublishing #GeometricInteractive
The B side is also excellent.
Can one boost more than one time? I would boost this at least a dozen times.
#ItsABeautifulDay #60s70s #Hippies #MusicInAFunkyHaze #DavidLaFlamme #SimplerTimes
#itsabeautifulday #60s70s #hippies #musicinafunkyhaze #davidlaflamme #simplertimes
The 90’s were such simpler times back then.
#thereareonly2genders #dealwithit #the90s #genderidentity #simplertimes
#ThereAreOnly2Genders #dealwithit #the90s #genderidentity #simplertimes
OpSec flashback: Remember when your SSN was also your university student number used on every form and letter and in the dining hall when you forgot your card? Ah, the good ol' days. #opSec #nostalgia #backInTheDay #simplerTimes
#opsec #nostalgia #backintheday #simplertimes
remember the cake-cutting meme days? ah, memories jk
One thing that I really love about #mastodon is how #vintage it feels. Reminds me of my first days on the #internet. Seems to remind most folks, since I see loads of #toots talking about it. #Usenet, #BBS, #Listserve, #IRC #mIRC, #Netscape #BackInTheDay #DialUp #SimplerTimes #ItsBetterHere
#mastodon #vintage #internet #toots #usenet #bbs #listserve #irc #mirc #netscape #backintheday #dialup #simplertimes #itsbetterhere
@wortspielfettgesicht Da muss ich an die Deutschland-Kette von der Merkel denken. Erinnerst du dich als das noch ein Thema war? #simplertimes