Das Brummen der Rennveloreifen wenn das Peloton an einem vorbeifliegt ist schon etwas speziell Schönes.
PS: es riecht nach Dul-X, Dolo Forte und Arnika Crème.
When our main crew left Switzerland after shooting for Real Road Adventures, I stayed behind with Sherri James, one of our videographers, to shoot footage of driving over a few iconic Alpine passes in our EV. In one day, we covered the Simplon, Furka, and Oberalp passes, driving from Bellinzona to Chur and arriving with plenty of charge on the battery. What a wild ride!
#travel #switerland #ev #furkapass #simplonpass #oberalp #oberalppass #roadtrip #alps #alpine
#travel #switerland #ev #furkapass #simplonpass #oberalp #oberalppass #roadtrip #alps #alpine