Trying out the #icue #rgb stuff with the new #corsair #k70 pro mini #keyboard no more lugging the fullsize #filco around that can stay by the #simrig
Never been into the RGB craze, but with a keyboard and darkness it is kind of cool and can fly some flags
#icue #rgb #corsair #K70 #keyboard #FILCO #simrig
Computer shelf and mouse tray installed. It's imperfect and one off, but I am happy with it. Todo: tidy up wires. Lower seat. Remove slack from keyboard tray. #woodworking #simrig #gaming #diy
#woodworking #simrig #gaming #diy
No photos, but, I have installed the t-mold, and stuff is in clamps for some glue to setup. I filled some extranous holes with wood filler. Need to touch those up with paint. Need to apply some vinyl stripes and this round of updates are done.
Wood filled, sanded, and first coat of paint on the mouse tray and computer shelf. T molding has arrived, and hardware acquired, getting close to having this done. Then I will consider lowering the seat mount, to improve clearance and egress. #simrig
Bad ideas by the foot.
I'm short about 5 feet of T molding for the #simrig.
I could just buy 25 feet more, but my brain gets lost in the possibilities. I do want to make another marquee light, what color would I do for that.
Decisions, decisions.
Dry fitting the computer tray and the first mount.
Oh no, a little lean to the right.
May need to rework the concept with more triangulation.
#woodworking #SimRig
Made progress on the mouse/ shifter mount for the sim rig tonight.
I paused to work out how to mount it stably, but allow it to be removed.
A friend suggest a pivot, but I couldn't find a good bearing or hinge. I settled on using cap bolts. Three through 2 3/4 ply should be sturdy. #woodworking #simrig