3nd33 · @endee
3 followers · 19 posts · Server infosec.exchange

Thought I’d start the first day back at work with some tests for a client I provide for

Heading into my 4th year with this client and they have become really good at spotting phishing so I had to be extra fiendish with a mix of and from Mice I borrowed Ego and from life I borrowed Fomo 😂​😂​

Judging by the click-rates I’m getting today, quite a few users seem to still be semi-comatose from all the turkey and plum pudding :blob_dizzy_face:​

#simulatedphishing #securityawarenesstraining #socialengineering #authority #artificaltimeconstraint #fear

Last updated 2 years ago

3nd33 · @endee
1 followers · 5 posts · Server infosec.exchange

I’ll do this now as The Murricans will be coming to life soon and it might get lost in the noise and I can go back to hiding behind the couch

Apparently it’s the etiquette, so:

Do a little “consulting” / support to small businesses on Security and IT (really, you used “consulting”? That’s a bit pretentious of you Old Chap…) Know my way around AD/AAD/MS365/Exchange quite well. Pretty good at email-security, inbound and outbound. Provide some and (I find the Social Engineering side great fun)

+ + + certified. Studying for EC-CEH but might try for and first to get my feet wet (can’t afford to fail and re-take CEH at THAT price!)

Don’t expect too much, I don’t do anything super exciting

Started in IT at 60. Helpdesk > Support Engineer > SysAdmin > bored but found a passion for CyberSecurity > quit job to study. Aiming for , and before I hit 70. Have a little over 18 months to get there. Wish me luck!

#introduction #securityawarenesstraining #simulatedphishing #comptia #security #a #ITF #apple #acsp #PNPT #eJPT #ceh

Last updated 2 years ago