I've a bunch of screenshots from #EliteDangerousOdyssey and #EliteDangerous that were languishing in birdland.
Elite's a game close to my heart although recently distant to my gaming habits.
If y'all like this one I'll start posting some of my favourite 'astrophotographs' from the game...
#simulateduniverses #space #sciencefiction #EliteDangerous #elitedangerousodyssey
Here is a complex combination of
1) a high resolution MHD cosmological simulation with ENZO
2) a post-processing analysis with Lagrangian passive tracer particles
3) the further post-processing of the evolving energy spectra (and synchrotron emission) of the relativistic electrons accelerated by shocks in the system, assuming they are well tracked by our lagrangian (macro)particles.
All part of G. Inchingolo's 2022 paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.11668
#astrodon #AstroPhysics
#simulateduniverses #Astrodon #astrophysics
Take look at this new new new view of one of the latest #SimulatedUniverses
What can be there of new?
From left to right we go from standard to new stuff.
1. gas temperature
2. magnetic field intensity (from star formation and AGN feedback)
3. density of cosmic ray electrons injected by star formation and AGN
4. time elapsed since the last injection of cosmic rays (in Gyr).
Enzo-MHD run with new implementations.
#simulateduniverses #Astrodon #astrophysics #FediVideos
Not bad, not bad for one of my #SimulatedUniverses
(well, it won't be t here if not for @tvern 's REAL radio observations!)
story here
...and some longer thread later on
#simulateduniverses #Astrodon #astrophysics
It is going to be an interesting rest of the week if you are interested in the shocked gas of the cosmic web: big paper upcoming tomorrow.
Here some of my latest favourite views of how shocks develop from inside-out from cosmic structures growing in mass, heating the gas they accrete, and possibly accelerating relativistic particles which shines in radio.
#simulateduniverses #astrophysics #Astrodon
Flocks of Lagragian tracer particles allows us to visualise the trajectories of gas matter in #SimulatedUniverses , especially useful when the underlying simulation code is Eulerian (=it discretizes space and updates matter fluxes across cells, but do not track single pieces of matter).
Here is a recent simulation (just rough visualisation here) by D. Wittor running on my ENZO-AMR cosmological simulation of a massive forming cluster.
#simulateduniverses #Astrodon #astrophysics
Very bumpy SAO-DS9 three dimensional rendering of rotations around a massive and messy simulated cluster of galaxies, which we are using to study the acceleration of particles in the outskirts of of the ICM.
The left cube shows the X-ray emissivity and the right one the magnetic field intensity.
Look at all those fantastic filaments and swirling structures!
#Astrodon #SimulatedUniverses
The evolving cosmic web in an ENZO-MHD simulation S. Banfi produced during her PhD : the top panels show the evolving baryonic (left) and dar (right) density, the lower two the magnetic field strength (left) and the gas temperature (right), with a nice final zoom onto the most massive forming halo in the box.
#FediVideos #Astrodon #Astrophysics
#simulateduniverses #FediVideos #Astrodon #astrophysics
quick rendering of a simulation that run over this (busier than the usual) week.
Green shows gas temperature, blue is gas density, and the more interesting red shows the location where the latest cosmic rays from cosmological shocks (assuming diffusive shock acceleration) got injected.
I even like the black stripes, added by mistake, which sort of give the idea we are looking through a window!
#Astrodon #simulateduniverses #FediVideos #astronomy
Rendering of a recent a test from a suite of #SimulatedUniverses
Red= magnetic fields; blue=gas temperature; green=gas density.
The evolution goes from z=6 to z=0.5.
Magnetic fields flare within halos because here I simulated the injection by radio jets, triggered by gas accretions onto supermassive black holes.
Probably too many sources for this small volume, but cool!
#simulateduniverses #Astrodon #astronomy #FediVideos
The mechanism preventing gas matter to just follow dark matter, and typically be slowed down by the counterbalance of its own pressure operates at all scales, even outside halos.
Or at least, it surely operate in the world of #SimulatedUniverses
I know, because I can show you the entire movie of the simulation.
See how merger after merger, gas and DM structures get displaced, and halos even align along different axes.
A nice rendering (through thin slices crossing the high-resolution centre of a cosmological hydro-simulation with ENZO) of the gas dynamics, induced by gravity, preceding the formation of massive clusters of galaxies.
Analysis and rendering by Matteo Angelinelli (Unibo).
#simulateduniverses #Astrodon #astronomy
#18 of #SimulatedUniverses
This is the simulated evolution of two radio jets, inflating radio lobes, over about 4 billion years.
Even considering the relatively coarse resolution which could be achieved here (8kpc) at the beginning the source show many salient features of real ones, and it looks like a Fanaroff-Riley type 1 galaxy.
At late times however, the lobes bend and mix creating very a-symmetric pattern.
What is happening in the simulation?
#simulateduniverses #Astrodon #fedimovie #astronomy
Every day demands its new rendering
This ENZO simulation, analysed and imaged with #Julialang tracks the electrons first released by radiogalaxies at the begin of the movie (z=0.5). Their visible radio emission is in blue contour.
After they fade, they can get re-accelerated by shocks and turbulence, becoming again radio visible.
In addition, new electrons can be injected by merger shock waves and be further re-accelerated (red colors).
#julialang #Astrodon #simulateduniverses #fedivideo
#17 of #SimulatedUniverses
The following are the projected dark matter density maps at z=0.1 for 6 different resimulations of the same small portion of the Universe (42 Mpc across), with only one parameter variations between them.
What can it be?
#simulateduniverses #Astrodon #astrophysics
A somewhat old 3-dimensional rendering of dark matter accreting (through filaments and subclumps) onto a growing cluster of galaxies, simulated with the ENZO grid code and rendered by T. Jones from the University of Minnesota.
The elapsed time is about 10Gyr and the volume is about (6Mpc)^3
Last of #SimulatedUniverses for 2022 : an experiment of aggressive (=100%) refinement of a portion of a cosmic volume, randomly chosen to contain voids, filaments and halos.
The region is 15 Megaparsec across, and it is sampled with a constant resolution of 24kpc everywhere.
All run at @fzj using ENZO-MHD.
#16 of #SimulatedUniverses
This is the mock image of a fairly relaxed cluster of galaxies, with a final mass of 3e14Msol at present day (z=0).
The shape is roundish, the core is ~isothermal (T~1e8K),
and all can be pretty much described with a radially symmetric profile of density (both for gas and dark matter).
So can we reasonably guess that its formation history was all calm and dominated by smooth matter accretions?
A very rich case of #SimulatedUniverses
it's a thin slice, showing just 1/2048 of the cells along the line of sight in this universe, which is 200 Megaparsec from side to side.
(quantity on display is the baryon density).
#15 of #SimulatedUniverses
Some rotating views of simulated filaments (embedded in a much larger cosmological volume) and of their possible detectable radio emission, using different instruments.
Notice: I am using movies made in ~2014, which before actual radio observations started probing the regime of filaments, and in most cases provided upper limits on the B-fields in between galaxies, hence these initial estimates were too optimistic!