We are honored to have had the opportunity to provide #simultaneousinterpretation services from #English to #Spanish for the #Inclusiv2023 Conference. Inclusiv understands the importance of facilitating #languageaccess and reaching audiences in their #nativelanguage. We hope to see you next year in #NewYork! Thank you! 🙏
#simultaneousinterpretation #english #spanish #inclusiv2023 #languageaccess #nativelanguage #newyork
We are thrilled to be back at #CDCUCon2023 in #MemphisTN to #servelanguagejustice. Thanks to Inclusiv for flying us from #PuertoRico to provide #simultaneousinterpretation services from #English to #Spanish and to ContextGlobal Inc. for supporting us with audiovisual services. We look forward to breaking the #languagebarrier and promoting #financialequity and #inclusion again this year.
#cdcucon2023 #memphistn #servelanguagejustice #puertorico #simultaneousinterpretation #english #spanish #languagebarrier #financialequity #inclusion