Sony und Musiklabels verklagen Internet Archive wegen Sinatra-Aufnahmen
Sony Music Entertainment und fünf weitere große Musikunternehmen haben gegen
#Music #News #78erLPs #BillieHoliday #BingCrosby #FrankSinatra #Great78Project #InternetArchive #Klage #LouisArmstrong #MusicModernizationAct #Musiklabels #Schadensersatz #Sinatra #Sony #TheloniousMonk #Urheberrecht #WhiteChristmas
#music #News #78erlps #billieholiday #bingcrosby #franksinatra #great78project #internetarchive #klage #louisarmstrong #musicmodernizationact #musiklabels #schadensersatz #sinatra #sony #theloniousmonk #urheberrecht #whitechristmas
Any advice for packaging a Sinatra app as a gem (makes it easier to install, and so it can have an executable command that starts it)? Should the gemspec populate `require_paths`? Should everything in `lib/` be moved into a namespaced sub-directory (ex: `lib/my_app/`)?
Lately I have had a lot of questions sent my way around #NewRelic APM and #Ruby. I figured I might help out some teams by showing a demo #sinatra #ruby app that sends trace data to #NewRelic in a variety of ways. We will explore #Zipkin, #Docker and #K8s, and using #OpenTelemetry to relay to multiple #APM at once.
#apm #opentelemetry #k8s #docker #zipkin #sinatra #ruby #newrelic
There are some brilliant people out there. Check out this new way to create cloud-hosted #sinatra apps in #ruby
🎶"Some enchanted morning,
you may see a starling, you may see a starling across a crowded trail. And somehow you know, you know even then,
That somehow you'll see her again and again.
Some enchanted morning, when you find your true dove, when you hear her call you across a crowded branch, then fly to her side and make her your own,
or all through your life, you may dream all alone. . . ."🎶
How to Use #Sinatra to Build a #Ruby Application, by Aestimo Kirina
> In this article, we'll introduce Ruby on Rails' lesser-known but powerful cousin Sinatra. We'll use the framework to build a cost-of-living calculator app.
> By the end of the article, you'll know what Sinatra is and how to use it.
I only learned yesterday that in #SlimLang, you can interpolate unescaped values with #{{ … }}.
Replacing some
let foo = #{raw foo.to_json}
let foo = #{{foo.to_json}}
Other than being shorter, it also works in #Sinatra which doesn’t have Rails’s HTML safety model.
(Might also explore moving some of these to data attributes or something.)
Last night at the Gorge
#JoniMitchell sang "Young at Heart" for the 1st time, a song by Johnny Richards and Carolyn Leigh that was a huge hit for #Sinatra. Hard to watch this without your whole self breaking out in a grin. *GO JONI!* [via _stone.sam_ on IG]
Greeting fellow Rubyists of Mastodon! Just giving Mastodon another shot after a few months. I have another profile to focus on my interests in languages, but I want to be surrounded by some tech people here!
About me, I've worked with #Ruby since 2015. I've done #Rails and now #Sinatra and #Grape! I'm not the best on front end but I've done some tweaks to any existing #React codebase at my current role.
#ruby #rails #sinatra #grape #react
🔊 Auf radioeins läuft...
Sinatra, Frank; Jobim, Antonio Carlos:
🎵 Drinking water (Aqua de beber)
#NowPlaying #Sinatra #Frank;Jobim #AntonioCarlos
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#nowplaying #sinatra #Frank #antoniocarlos
I didn’t know this—there was a ban on erecting new radio towers during #WW2 that was lifted in 1946. Then there was a flood of new towers and many new radio stations appeared, greatly expanding the exposure and celebrity of #jazz and big band orchestras. It certainly made #BingCrosby and #Sinatra national stars.
#ww2 #jazz #bingcrosby #sinatra
I'm curious what people do for breadcrumb navigation menus in sinatra? I'm tempted to just copy/paste boilerplate HTML to all the view pages and edit accordingly based on index vs show views.
#sinatra #breadcrumbs
Besuch in den #USA (6)
Direkt vor einer der wichtigsten Städte der Welt liegt ein ruhiger, besonnener und sehr teurer Vorort #Hoboken
Menschen, die in der Nähe von Großstadttrubel sein wollen, aber gerne in ruhigeren Gebieten wohnen, ziehen nach Hoboken. Die Stadt liegt direkt gegenüber von Manhatten und ist Geburtsort von Frank #Sinatra. Früher war die Stadt für ihre Künstlerszene bekannt, heute findet man vor allem teure Shops und noch teurere Apartments.
Update #Ruby #Sinatra to version 3.0.6.
and here's the end-result of all of my dry-rb questions and complaining about docker/docker-compose. A small Sinatra app which uses dry-schema/dry-validations to validate/coerce form input, pass it to a Sidekiq worker, and coerce the JSON params back into a Symbol Hash, which is then **kwargs splatted to another library.
#dry_rb #sinatra #sidekiq