Hui. Ich schreibe gerade meinen ersten Brief für ein #Briefrollenspiel. Es ist beeindruckend wie toll man auf Briefpapier schreiben kann und welchen Unterschied das zu normalem Papier macht. Das macht total Spaß!
Nur das Falten des Bogens muss ich noch üben, das sieht sehr unelegant aus. XD
Ich hatte jedenfalls bereits schöne Post im Postkasten, was ein sehr nettes Gefühl war. Mal sehen, wie es weitergeht. #Sincerely #pnpDE
#briefrollenspiel #sincerely #pnpde
【#渡辺美里誕生祭 開催記念!スペシャル楽曲紹介⑪】
Misato Watanabe's 29th single released in 1995.
【#渡辺美里誕生祭 開催記念!スペシャル楽曲紹介⑪】
#渡辺美里 #sincerely #シンシアリー #渡辺美里誕生祭
reading stuff like this makes me wish I was #religious /believed in karma b/c then at least could hold onto some belief that these people would 100% #definitely burn in hell
& that is #sincerely the kindest thing I can say about it
Used to lean more #optimist but when you hear about #dying #children being #denied #palliative care…b/c of an #emergency situation you created yourself…
meanwhile in #NYC #ambulance sirens⬆️as of 2 days ago & expect by 2023 will be 24/7
#sincerely #optimist #dying #children #denied #Palliative #emergency #nyc #ambulance #ditto #religious #definitely
It never should have gotten this out of hand. Recall the beginning #vividly b/c I, who have always been terrified of hospitals #germphobe was in one during the time when 🥭🍊💩 was causing #massive #immigrationline #passport delays which #IMO #lit blaze
It #exploded from there but #tbh #sincerely miss R2.4 & #idk what R is now, but 14-18 seems #reasonable based on near misses I’ve had since July
In #retrospect my #hospital stay was #cool #empathize 🖤 #thankYou
#vividly #germphobe #massive #immigrationline #passport #imo #lit #exploded #tbh #sincerely #idk #reasonable #retrospect #hospital #cool #empathize #thankyou
My wife and I had sex and she made me dinner and all I said to earn that is I'm happy you're home. #sincerely #loved #luckyme