34 years ago:
Venus Peter (UK)
Produced for Scottish television, Venus Peter was financed by the Orkney Islands Council. The title character is transformed into a "sea child" when he is baptized with salt water. Though his family tries hard to accustom him to life on land, Peter (Gordon R. Strachan) yearns to go to sea -- or, at ...
#VenusPeter #SinéadCusack #DavidHayman #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#venuspeter #sineadcusack #davidhayman #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
30 years ago:
The Cement Garden (FR,DE,GB)
After the death of her husband, the mother of Julie, Jack, Sue and Tom begins to suffer from a mysterious illness. Aware that she is going to have to go into hospital she opens a bank account for the children, so that they can be financially self-sufficient and will be able to avoid being taken into...
#TheCementGarden #AndrewBirkin #AndrewRobertson #CharlotteGainsbourg #SinéadCusack #ClassicFilm #Film
#thecementgarden #andrewbirkin #andrewrobertson #charlottegainsbourg #sineadcusack #classicfilm #film
Anyone with access to #BBC4 or #Iplayer who likes a bit of a #ScandiNoir type #thriller, I'd love you to take a look at #NorthSeaConnection on Feb 4th. Shot on the stunning #Connemara coast, I loved working on it & cast & crew did exceptional work making it during Covid. Reward them with your eyeballs!
Info from BBC: shorturl.at/fHT38
#SBS in #Aus did a punchy #Trailer: shorturl.at/bgnuv
#TVThriller #IrishNoir #Galway #WestOfIreland #TVNoir #Noir #LydiaMcGuinness #KerrLogan #SineadCusack
#sineadcusack #kerrlogan #lydiamcguinness #noir #tvnoir #westofireland #Galway #irishnoir #tvthriller #trailer #AUS #sbs #connemara #northseaconnection #thriller #scandinoir #iplayer #bbc4