#NoLabels has obvious dominant #FossilFuels White Christian ideology. For ex., #Manchin & #SineMAGA insulting democracy for private hoarding of wealth.
#sinemaga #manchin #fossilfuels #nolabels
Will Biden/DNC/DSCC endorse AZ Dem candidate 2024 Against #SineMAGA though? WAITING!!
"We won’t sugar coat it for you: it’s a right-wing Nazi merchandise-collecting billionaire who also funds Clarence Thomas’ vacations." #HarlanCrow
This cdn't be amplified enough - #Sinema wants to buy her reelection with finances that she received before, during and after endorsing filibusters of VotingRightsProtections and Roe codification, to name 2 of her proudest moments snubbing her 2018 base.
#SineMAGA is her label.
Guess who concurs in policy w Alito & 4 other "Justices"
#SineMAGA Friend of Koch orgs and #HarlanCrow
@rubengallego Our own #LoopholeLady from AZ don't mind undercutting veterans, seniors, families in need. #SineMAGA
@realTuckFrumper My senators from AZ failed to advocate for or sponsor #SafeGunStorage which passed in House last session. #EthansLaw #SineMAGA
#sinemaga #EthansLaw #safegunstorage
@BernieWonIowa Sinema also has blood on her hands for happily sabotaging federal codification of Roe. #SineMAGA counts on DarkMoney for reelection. I support #RubenGallego #azsen
#azsen #RubenGallego #sinemaga
When U.S. Senate Comms staffs w gov't salaries function primarily to facilitate connection and publicity for the pay-for-play lobbies, shouldn't a stronger distinction be drawn between campaigning and governing? Why are taxpayers funding the staffs of #Arizona senators, for example, who are unavailable to regular constituents on salient issues? Boilerplate noncommittal email replies about legislation might as well be AI for their meaninglessness. #DNC #DSCC #Congress #SineMAGA #MarkKelly
#markkelly #sinemaga #Congress #DSCC #dnc #Arizona
State of mind is a thing I have control over, it's a struggle wanting to have input in #democracy when "deliberative" higher body in DC is fascist. Though #MarkKelly AZ is not committee chair, why can't he at least advocate publicly on behalf of Arizonans as a moral leader for real gun reform? Did he lose bone mass in his spine while on space missions? #WTF #BaldSinema #Durbin #Schumer #SineMAGA #Nashville #Kids #EthansLaw #gunreformnow #BanAR Silence of good men pleases #ChamberOfCarbon?!
#chamberofcarbon #banar #gunreformnow #EthansLaw #Kids #Nashville #sinemaga #schumer #durbin #baldsinema #WTF #markkelly #Democracy
@robonecon Hedge fund managers are Sinema's exclusive constituency since she scammed Arizona voters in 2018. #SineMAGA. As #AlexWagner put it, Kyrsten grifts shamelessly in our faces. An unnamed moderate colleague calls Sinema an egomaniac.
@newsviews #NoLabels prefers Sinema-type. Never Forget Sinema's grandstand for #JimCrowFilibuster. Also her cameo sola standing ovations for Trump. #JimCrowSinema #Sinemanchin #SineMAGA
#sinemaga #sinemanchin #jimcrowsinema #JimCrowFilibuster #nolabels
@RollingStone Thank you Senator Brown! Don't ever trust DSCC if they're still backing #SineMAGA "I"
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