On the Beach Boys
Tears for Fears and Loathing in Las Vegas
The City of Gold and Led Zeppelin
Frankenstein Goes to Hollywood
The Once and Future King Crimson
The Grateful Dead Gatsby
Valley of the Dresden Dolls
The Lathe of Heaven 17
#singabookwithaleadsingerorband #hashtaggames
The Richest Man in Babylon Zoo
Rich Dad Poor Daddy Cool
How to Win Friends and Influence Persson
#singabookwithaleadsingerorband #hashtaggames
Heretic Anthem
#slipknot #HashtagGames #singabookwithaleadsingerorband
Of Mice and Men at Work
#hashitout #HashtagGames #singabookwithaleadsingerorband
Anyone got one more in there to get us off 666? 🤭 😸
I really thought #SingABookWithALeadSingerOrBand #hashtagGames was going to dud out. Ended up, 132 players, 666 game plays on 56 different servers over the last 24 hours.
Thanks for playing.
#singabookwithaleadsingerorband #hashtaggames
The Sword in the Stone Temple Pilots
#singabookwithaleadsingerorband #hashtaggames
Snoop Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
#SingABookWithALeadSingerOrBand #HashtagGames
#singabookwithaleadsingerorband #hashtaggames
The Mysterious Affair at Harry Styles
Wyrd Scissor Sisters
Where Eagles Dare
Donna Summer's Lease
Huckleberry Finneas
#hashitout #HashtagGames #singabookwithaleadsingerorband
Hey Nineteenth Nervous Breakdown
#singabookwithaleadsingerorband #HashtagGames
It Takes a Village People
#hashitout #HashtagGames #singabookwithaleadsingerorband
The Little artist formerly known as Prince
#singabookwithaleadsingerorband #hashtaggames
Atwood - The Third Eye Blind Assassin
#singabookwithaleadsingerorband #hashtaggames
Catcher in the Ryan Adams
#hashitout #HashtagGames #singabookwithaleadsingerorband
James Taylor and the Giant Peach
#hashitout #HashtagGames #singabookwithaleadsingerorband
So Long and thanks for all the Phish
#singabookwithaleadsingerorband #hashtaggames
Nietzsche - Thus Spake Zara Larsson
#singabookwithaleadsingerorband #hashtaggames
Nietzsche - Beyond Goodshirt and Evil
#singabookwithaleadsingerorband #hashtaggames #nzdeepcuts