🎶 We're all sensitive people
With so much to give
Understand me sugar
Since we got to be here
Let's live
I love you🎶
- #MarvinGaye
#SingASong #SingAlong #70s #music #RnB #love #peace #HaveANiceDay
#haveaniceday #peace #love #rnb #music #70s #singalong #singasong #marvingaye
#Singing in the shower
🎶I’m just a love machine, and I won’t work for nobody but you!🎶
#SingASong #SingAlong #70s #music
#music #70s #singalong #singasong #singing
🎶Oh, no no no no no!🎶
- #Capone
#OhNo #SingASong SingAlong #MustBeTheMusic #music #sing #dance #HaveANiceDay
#haveaniceday #dance #sing #music #mustbethemusic #singasong #ohno #capone
Good morning to my friend Annie, and to everyone #singing with us
🎶Never been awake
Never seen a day break
Leaning on my pillow in the morning
Lazy day in bed
Music in my head
Crazy music playing in the morning light🎶
#fun #haveaniceday #sing #music #70s #singasong #singalong #singing
There were a couple of #songs that stood out to me, in the #90s.
One of them was #CottonEyedJoe- which I liked to hear, but always worried that there could be a #racist story behind it
Another was…
🎶I've never had to knock on wood
But I know someone who has
Which makes me wonder if I could
It makes me wonder if…🎶
- #TheMightyMightyBosstones
#music #singalong #singasong #themightymightybosstones #theimpression #racist #cottoneyedjoe #90s #songs
It’s #rainy and #dreary outside, yet the first song to come to mind is by the #BeachBoys.
🎶Wouldn't it be nice if we could wake up
In the morning when the day is new?
After having spent the day together
Hold each other close the whole night through🎶
#WouldntItBeNice #HaveANiceDay #SingASong #SingAlong #music #sing #happy
#happy #sing #music #singalong #singasong #haveaniceday #wouldntitbenice #BeachBoys #Dreary #rainy
🎶Gonna tell you what you can do with my love
Let you know girl you're looking good. You're out of sight
Just move yourself and glide like a 747
And lose yourself in the sky, among the clouds in the heavens🎶
🍾 :abloblamp:
:ablobparty: 🪩 :ablobdancer: :ablobdj: 🎉
:NekoCatSunglasses: 🥳 :ablobgoodnight: 🎁 :blobsnuggle: 🎊
#Friday #vibes #70s #disco #dance #party #music #SingAlong #SingASong
#singasong #singalong #music #party #dance #disco #70s #vibes #friday #earthwindandfire
🎶I know when to go out
Know when to stay in
I get things done🎶
- #DavidBowie
#Sing #SingASong #SingAlong #70s #Pop #Rock #music #ModernLove #dance
#dance #modernlove #music #rock #pop #70s #singalong #singasong #sing #davidbowie
😏 psst… back in the day, #SusannaHoffs was my secret crush. (Don’t tell my ex, she was very jealous!😆)
🎶And if I had an airplane
I still couldn't make it on time🎶
#HappyMonday #HaveANiceDay #SingASong #SingAlong #80s #pop #music
#TheBangles - #ManicMonday (Official Video), Full HD (Digitally Remastered and Upscaled) - YouTube
#manicmonday #thebangles #music #pop #80s #singalong #singasong #haveaniceday #happymonday #susannahoffs
You’re #beautiful, just like dear Annie. Be yourself! You don’t need a reason to #sing.
:ablobcool: 🎶Mahna mahna🎶
#SesameStreet #EdSullivan #OldSong #SingASong #SingAlong #HaveANiceDay
#beautiful #haveaniceday #singalong #singasong #oldsong #EdSullivan #sesamestreet #sing
Forget the outside 🤕, this is how I #feel inside! :ablobdancer: :ablobdancer: :ablobdancer:
🎶Mami mami mami Whoa!🎶
#sing #dance #HaveANiceDay #SingASong #SingAlong #music #Pitbull #BonBonBon
#bonbonbon #pitbull #music #singalong #singasong #haveaniceday #dance #sing #feel
I just spent the past hour catching up with some old friends- #HueyLewisAndTheNews
I haven’t heard most of these in decades, and (#amnesia be damned!) I was still able to #SingAlong with the #music
:blobglassesdown: That’s riiight…!
#singasong #80smusic #music #singalong #amnesia #HueyLewisAndTheNews
I feel like waking up!
🎶You and me, we're goin' out to catch the latest sounds
Guaranteed to blow your mind so high, you won't come down🎶
#GoodMorning #SingASong #SingAlong #70s #music #WakeUp #dance #FeelGood #YoureBeautiful #DearFriend 🙏🏼
#dearfriend #yourebeautiful #feelgood #dance #wakeup #music #70s #singalong #singasong #goodmorning
🎶London, England, Paris, Munich
Everybody talk about Pop Music!🎶
Talkin bout #PopMusic #80s #music #SingASong #SingAlong
#singalong #singasong #music #80s #popmusic
🎶I got a song that ain't got no melody
I'ma gonna sing it to my friends🎶
- #BillyPreston
#GoodMusic #music #RnB #OldSchool #SingASong #SingAlong #FeelGood #HappySaturday #dance
#dance #happysaturday #feelgood #singalong #singasong #oldschool #rnb #music #goodmusic #BillyPreston
🎶I want to live
I want to give
I've been a miner for a heart of gold🎶 🎙️🕺🏿
- #NeilYoung
#haveaniceday #singalong #singasong #neilyoung
There was a time when #FridayNight was when I was #HungryLikeTheWolf. 🐺
These days, I’m happy with nachos. 😋
🎶In touch with the ground
I'm on the hunt down, I'm after you
Smell like I sound, I'm lost in a crowd
And I'm hungry like the wolf🎶
#happyfriday #smile #singalong #singasong #HungryLikeTheWolf #fridaynight
🎶I think I love you🎶
#haveaniceday #music #oldsongs #singalong #singasong
🎶 I'm just a love machine
And I won't work for nobody but you🎶
( ( ) ( | ) ( ) )
#SingAlong #SingASong #music
🎶Because I’m gonna be high as a kite by then 🎶
- #EltonJohn
😮💨💭 #music #SingASong #SingAlong #chill #LayBack #HaveANiceDay #peace 🕊️
#peace #haveaniceday #layback #chill #singalong #singasong #music #eltonjohn