I hate that my brain, when I'm having a feeling or an internal reaction while listening to another person, shuts down all the other channels--listening, seeing--to receive that impression or feel that feeling.

All the other data drops out. As if it never got recorded.

I might catch a key word here or there, or remember a fleeting instant of an impactful facial expression, but it's all broken apart spotty bits like that from there on forward. I often have to reconstruct how those disjointed pieces flow in a coherent statement or narrative later, based on contextual clues and the general gist of the conversation.

I miss so much precious, important-to-me information in my interactions with people I care about because of this phenomenon.


(TL;DR I hate that I can't have a feeling and continue listening to you at the same time.)

#AuDHD #Autistic #autism #actuallyautistic #sensoryprocessing #sensoryprocessingdisorder #singlechannelprocessing

Last updated 2 years ago