Ringing out the year, one beer at a time, we reflect on the start of the #Winter, celebrated less than a week ago. What better way than some #SingleHillBrewing's
Osa Minor and Overstory in two variants. Thoughts shared here, https://instagram.com/p/CmsuoGoraVl/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link *due to character limit. #beer #photography
#Winter #singlehillbrewing #beer #photography
I am doggedly determined to get all of these #FreshHop #beer reviews posted, and that means more are coming! With this batch, we’ve got three IPAs from Oregon and Washington, featuring #SingleHillBrewing, #ViaBeer, and #CruxFermentationProject.
Reviews: https://www.thebrewsite.com/fresh-hop-season-2022-reviews-11/
#freshhops #craftbeer #hops #CruxFermentationProject #viabeer #singlehillbrewing #beer #freshhop
Back at it with more reviews of the various #freshhop beers I’ve had this year. With beers from #SingleHillBrewing, #BendBrewing, and #StormBreakerBrewing.
Read more: https://www.thebrewsite.com/fresh-hop-season-2022-reviews-5/
#stormbreakerbrewing #bendbrewing #singlehillbrewing #freshhop