Akos T Kovacs · @EvolvedBiofilm
432 followers · 1600 posts · Server mstdn.science

RT @MiriKrupkin
Did you know that our body from and houses the ?🦠 Check out our new paper about how we can use molecules to reconstitute the mucus gel!🟩 pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.b

#mucus #protects #infections #microbiome #mucin #rheology #singleparticletracking #biochemistry

Last updated 2 years ago

Christian Tidona · @tidona
79 followers · 17 posts · Server mstdn.science

What if we could precisely track a single particle as it is moving around in the space at the millisecond timescale?

Researchers at Duke University have developed a fascinating new technique called 3D tracking and (3D-TrIm).

Research article in Nature Methods: nature.com/articles/s41592-022

Web page of the Welsher lab: welsherlab.org/3d-trim-capture

Video source: YouTube

#virus #extracellular #imaging #microscopy #singleparticletracking #infection

Last updated 2 years ago

Hi fellow humans, I am Laura (zie/zir if possible, otherwise she/her), a senior staff scientist at advanced and facility at in the , right next to .

My science interest center around and and deregulation in in general. My tools of the trade are and

HMU for science chat

#introduction #lsfoctopus #lightmicroscopy #clem #harwellcampus #uk #DiamondLightSource #egfrsignalling #rtksignalling #cancerstudies #singleparticletracking #singlemoleculelocalisation #fibsem #volumeem #cryomicroscopy

Last updated 2 years ago

Jakob Rentsch · @JakobRentsch
90 followers · 12 posts · Server det.social

Hi mastodon! My work boils down to this question: Is membrane-proximal generating barriers for molecules?

I am a PhD student of Helge Ewers at FU Berlin. I work in because actin forms very well-behaved rings there. My approach is combining of membrane proteins and of the via and . Lots of , and .

#Science #actin #diffusion #membrane #neurons #singleparticletracking #SuperResolution #microscopy #cytoskeleton #storm #STED #biophysics #CellBiology #neuroscience #introduction #ScienceMastodon

Last updated 2 years ago