#Pittsburgh / #AlleghenyCounty -- Join the public hearing on Monday September 18, 2023, to hear medical debt horror stories & learn how a National Improved #MedicareForAll #SinglePayer Healthcare system would end medical debt for good. Officials must support or lose re-election.
#pittsburgh #alleghenycounty #medicareforall #singlepayer
I have bad news for you. Getting in to see a specialist - almost any specialist - frequently takes much, much longer than a month in most of Canada.
Outside the biggest centers, there is a shortage of virtually all specialties. Unless your G.P. refers you on an emergency basis, or you're in an E.R. and the doc there calls for one, a wait of 3-6 months is common enough, depending on the specialty.
Much longer in some cases.
@tanyatussing @ProPublica
I finally got to it. WOW! It’s make-my-head-explode level stuff.
Docs make a far-above-avg living & as such may not get sympathy from the general public. BUT… any resentment ppl have toward docs (some deserved but much of it not IMO) should pale compared to anger toward this egregious corporate greed. This is disgusting rentier capitalism, ie, making money doing NOTHING.
Yes. #SinglePayer would solve this but CMS needs some reform too.
Obvious solution: #SinglePayer healthcare. Hospitals need a single, streamlined, heavily-regulated, dependable means of being paid. This system would also have income-based premiums which would solve the unaffordability crisis for patients. Single payer also allows for a single point of price negotiation that can help control overall #Healthcare costs.
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Even if we have health insurance through our jobs, it still sucks. We end up paying 10-20% of our paycheck towards our share of the premium, and still have big deductibles and copays on top of that .
We could pay less for a single payer system through universal taxes and have better health care outcomes. #healthcare #healthinsurance #singlepayer #medicareforall
#healthcare #healthinsurance #singlepayer #medicareforall
The hospital: "Asking about MAiD is standard practice. We apologise for any discomfort caused"
.. #maid #doctors #canada #healthcare #singlepayer #universalhealthinsurance #medicare #trudeau ..
#trudeau #medicare #universalhealthinsurance #singlepayer #healthcare #canada #Doctors #maid
#5yrsago There’s something eerie about bots that teach themselves to cheat https://www.wired.com/story/when-bots-teach-themselves-to-cheat/
#5yrsago Japanese self-sharpening mechanical pencils give the lead a tiny turn every time you lift the tip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_OXoxymeho
#5yrsago Young doctors revolt, force #AMA to consider backing #SinglePayer healthcare for the first time https://kffhealthnews.org/news/once-its-greatest-foes-doctors-are-embracing-single-payer/
We need a strong actual #leftist #thirdparty in the #unitedstates.
#universalhealthcare #singlepayer #MedicareForAll #democrats #republicans
#leftist #thirdparty #unitedstates #universalhealthcare #singlepayer #medicareforall #democrats #republicans
@thomasw423 @tanyatussing @ddayen
I finally got to this article. I quit about half way bc I am more interested in the system than in an individual, important as he may be.
Over 30 yrs of medical practice I became convinced of the need for #SinglePayer publicly funded #UniversalHealthcare. I support PNHP and #MedicareForAll. M4A or something similar is necessary but not sufficient in fixing our hc system. 1/2
#singlepayer #universalhealthcare #medicareforall
How would a national #SinglePayer #MedicareForAll compare with the corporate insurance system in place today? It's clear we'd have better care for far cheaper. Contact your Congressmember to demand Single Payer!
Republicans and Democrats are working together to privatize Medicare by calling it "Medicare Advantage". It's not real Medicare. It's privatizing your healthcare for profit.
We need a national #SinglePayer #MedicareForAll system to guarantee healthcare for everyone.
Contact your Congressmember to tell them Medicare must be protected, kept public, and expanded to everyone and more services including dental, vision, and hearing.
HCR4US is one of many groups working toward this.
Single Payer States is another.
Also look up Alan Unell’s free substack daily newsletter Healthcare Advocacy on what you can do every day to make this a reality.
#healthcare #healthcareforall #singlepayer
#unitedstates #corporategreed #firstammendment #Corruption #darkmoney #policethepolice #reformthepolice #workersrights #livingwage #RaiseTheWage #wageslavery #universalhealthcare #singlepayer #MedicareForAll #freecollege #freedom #Democracy
#unitedstates #corporategreed #firstammendment #corruption #darkmoney #policethepolice #reformthepolice #workersrights #LivingWage #raisethewage #wageslavery #universalhealthcare #singlepayer #medicareforall #freecollege #freedom #Democracy
Abortion rights are still under attack while in PA clinics and workers need more resources to assist patients. Please donate:
Ultimately, full access means fully funded abortions under a national health system. #SinglePayer #M4A
@Lilmikesf Public coffers the insurer of last resort. so capitalism capitulates to socialism after all. #SinglePayer
#Capitalism #CapitalismKills #capitalismisascam #CapitalismIsACult #NoMoreBillionaires #TaxTheRich #exploitation #supportunions #workersrights #livingwage #universalhealthcare #singlepayer #MedicareForAll
#capitalism #capitalismkills #capitalismisascam #capitalismisacult #nomorebillionaires #TaxTheRich #exploitation #Supportunions #workersrights #LivingWage #universalhealthcare #singlepayer #medicareforall
Health insurance is a scam all of it. I'm not asking some magic question to find out how much a procedure will be covered and that's the business model. #singlepayer is the only way out of this mess.
Remember that many proposals in 2020 by liberals like Copmala pretending to be #Medicare4All were in fact fake bait-and-switch scams to further #MedicareAdvantage privatization.
That's why I insist on #SinglePayer and #USNHS (a genuine nationalized healthcare system with NO profiteering whatsoever).
(h/t @rchusid)
#medicare4all #medicareadvantage #singlepayer #usnhs