And no, the difference is that #BlueSky is a #centralized #SingleVendor / #SingleProvider platform and thus perfectly capable to #moderate and #delete everything.
Whereas :activitypub: as a protocol like #eMail and #HTTPS [the latter one it relies upon] is #decentralized, #MultiVendor / #MUltiProvider and thus the only angle that exists is going after #admins, #hosters and those that keep that shit online!
#hosters #admins #MultiProvider #multivendor #decentralized #https #Email #delete #moderate #SingleProvider #singlevendor #centralized #bluesky
@5am also @signalapp is inherently #centralized and like all #SingleVendor / #SingleProvider solutions can't be trusted!
I just don't have any evidence yet that they're an #ANØM-Style #Honeypot but I'd declare every LEA "criminally incompetent" if they didn't already #EncroChat themselves inside and put every phone # of every user on a watchlist.
Or does anyone think the CIA & NSA didn't find a successor operation to #MINERVA?
#Signal is signalling all the wrong vibes to me!
#Signal #minerva #EncroChat #honeypot #anom #SingleProvider #singlevendor #centralized
@w I think that #VeraCrypt is more convenient since it's not a #SingleVendor / #SingleProvider "Solution" and works across all relevant Desktop- & Server OSes...
#SingleProvider #singlevendor #veracrypt
@JessTheUnstill this is why all #Centralized #SingleVendor / #SingleProvider solutions are inherently bad:
Users get the unreliability of poorly managed #SelfHosting with the price tag of #ManagedHosting and a #toxic #LockIn on top!
#lockin #toxic #ManagedHosting #SelfHosting #SingleProvider #singlevendor #centralized
@luebbermann Fahrraddiebe scannen jedenfalls auch nach AirTags und können diese trivial jammen...
D.h wenn's nen Bike ist dass den Aufwand Wert ist würd' ich nicht auf ne proprietäre #SingleVendor / #SingleProvider - Lösungen setzen...
Ist nen bisschen rückwärts gedacht wenn Mensch erst nen #AirTag kauft und danach erst nach'm Einbau darüber nachdenkt wie der benutzbar ist...
#AirTag #SingleProvider #singlevendor
@SarahOestreich I point at #BlueSky because instead of #Moderation they choose to not even fake to care.
I mean, it's one thing if one controls a monolithic #SingleVendor / #SingleProvider system or can only mitigate stuff because bad actors don't reply to abuse reports...
By joining said instances or services (in the case of BlueSky) any user does -knowingly or not - say "This is not a problem I give a damn about!"
Please get rid of excuses to support bad actors!
#bluesky #SingleProvider #singlevendor #Moderation
@fla @lyyn @Seirdy @neurovagrant
Now think about all the ways this can be subverted and compromized with neither recourse nor any warning towards the users.
Again, #Centralization is inherently bad, and everything that is a #SingleVendor / #SingleProvider "solution" will inevitably die.
That's why #XMPP & #IRC are alive and kicking whilst #AIM is dead and #ICQ is a #zombie.
#Discord and #Signal will also follow that path that :birdsite: :twitter: is walking ahead...
#Signal #Discord #zombie #icq #aim #IRC #XMPP #SingleProvider #singlevendor #centralization
@neurovagrant @iatendril @Seirdy @vamanimal @itzzenxx
Unlike #SingleVendor / #SingleProvider "solutions" like @signalapp you get to decide who to trust and who not to trust.
Not #Signal...
I.e. if you want to recieve all the #Spam in the world, you can on #eMail, because there is no built-in authority that forcibly distrusts you. (tho no idea why you want that anyway...]
#Email #spam #Signal #SingleProvider #singlevendor
@vamanimal @Seirdy @signalapp @neurovagrant
Well, their #Centralized #SingleVendor / #SingleProvider Services will be surveiled.
And as we know from #France that is already enough #Metadata to identify it's users and surveil and subsequently jail them.
The only way this would be foolish is if they were #decentralized and full #FLOSS their #backend to the point that you can not only #SelfHost but built your own!
#selfhost #backend #FLOSS #decentralized #metadata #France #SingleProvider #singlevendor #centralized
@neurovagrant @fla @Seirdy Relying on a #centralized #SingleVendor / #singleProvider solution like @signalapp / #Signal is even more dangerously naive as equally centralized solutions like #EncroChat or #ANØM:
Or do you naively believe governments that strictly enforce #LawfulInterception will just not care because it's #Signal?
Hell no!
There's a reason #XMPP - #OMEMO and other protocols where users own the keys are still around: Because they work and ain't Single-Vendor/Single-Provider!
#omemo #XMPP #LawfulInterception #anom #EncroChat #Signal #SingleProvider #singlevendor #centralized
Because it's a #SingleVendor / #SingleProvider solution they'll be naturally subject to state intervention aka. being forced to integrate #Govware #Backdoors under the threat of getting their shit forcibly unplugged.
The people that work at @signalapp have names and adresses the state knows, and thus they'll be subject to threats by the state.
#backdoors #govware #SingleProvider #singlevendor #centralization
@Seirdy @neurovagrant so you admit defeat amidst the fact that you refuse to acknowledge the fact that a #centralized #SingleVendor / #SingleProvider solution is impossible to secure against the will of the government it's incorporated under (as per law)...
Not Opensourcing the backend and it's APIs is literally violating #KerckhoffsPrinciple so hard it disqualifies any security claims as fanboyism!
#kerckhoffsprinciple #SingleProvider #singlevendor #centralized
@Seirdy @neurovagrant Stop throwing smoke grenades amd answer a simple question:
Why should I ever trust a #centralized #SingleVendor / #SingleProvider "solution" that is not.only.capable.but entirely willing to enfoce #Cyberfacist "restrictions" against it's users.
Just like Signal did...
Or do you believe Moxie's successor would be walking free or even breathing if #Signal was actually secure against the U.S. government?
They ain't decentralized like #Tor...
#Tor #Signal #cyberfacist #SingleProvider #singlevendor #centralized
@Seirdy @neurovagrant Or to put it simple:
If your #centralized #SingleVendor / #SingleProvider "solution" isn't criminalized to be used in Russia, India, "P.R." China and Saudi-Arabia, then it's #backdoored like #iCloud in the PRC...
#iCloud #backdoored #SingleProvider #singlevendor #centralized
@Seirdy @neurovagrant because when "push comes to shove", admins held at gunpoint will integrate #Govware #Backdoors into the #centralized #SingleVendor / #SingleProvider service...
#SingleProvider #singlevendor #centralized #backdoors #govware
@Seirdy @neurovagrant You purposefully refuse to accept the core problem:
#Signal is a.#centralozed #SingleVendor / #SingleProvoder solution that is subject to #CloudAct and obviously implementing #Govware #Backdoors.
Why else are all the #tinfoilhat|ed conspiracy theorists on #Telegram and not #Signal??
#Telegram #tinfoilhat #backdoors #govware #cloudact #singleprovoder #singlevendor #centralozed #Signal
@Seirdy @neurovagrant problem is that #Signal literally implements #Cyberfacism by restricting functionality based off claimed user location (phone number)...
The fact that they can do that alone is concerning.
Now add #CloudAct to it and you badically have a giant #HoneyPot.
All #Centralized #singlevendor / #SingleProvider solutions are inherently bad from #ITsec, #InfoSec, #OpSec & #ComSec factors alone!
#comsec #opsec #InfoSec #ITSec #SingleProvider #singlevendor #centralized #honeypot #cloudact #cyberfacism #Signal
@neurovagrant no, because #Signal is a #proprietary #SingleVendor / #SingleProvider solition that is subject to #CloudAct and thus can't be secure by design.
If you really want #InfoSec, #OpSec, #ComSec & #ITsec, then #SelfHosting everything is key.
But that'll require #TechLiteracy and may not scale well...
IMHO self-hosting a #Zulip Server works good for organizational structures.
#zulip #techliteracy #SelfHosting #ITSec #comsec #opsec #InfoSec #cloudact #SingleProvider #singlevendor #proprietary #Signal
@oliphant EXACTLY!
Being able to 100% #SelfHost is a precondition for actual #FLOSS and why I #WontUse #centralized #SingleVendor / #SingleProvider solutions.
#SingleProvider #singlevendor #centralized #wontuse #FLOSS #selfhost
@JorisMeys Differnt brand - same issue.
Whilst #Signal has yet to be confirmed as #PRISM collaborator, it too is a #centralized & #proprietary #SingleVendor / #SinlgeProvider "solution" and thus inevitably susceptible to state-sponsored attacks and easy to force into compliance with facist demands.
You might as well use #EncroChat or #ANØM instead.
Real professionals will use #XMPP - #OMEMO as #decentralized, #OpenSource and thus inherently more resilient option!
#OpenSource #decentralized #omemo #XMPP #anom #EncroChat #sinlgeprovider #singlevendor #proprietary #centralized #prism #Signal