#Iraq 's PM has ordered the reconstruction of a village where the Islamic State group carried out one of its worst atrocities against the #Yazidi community nine years ago. On 15th August 2014, #ISIS fighters separated the men in the village from their families, killing hundreds of them. In a stmt issued on the 9th anniv of the #Sinjar massacre, Mr al-Sudani said the reconstruction was intended to honour the people of the village and underscore the right of Iraqis to live safely and in dignity.
Sinjar marks 9 years since Yazidi Genocide. The Iraqi army that ran away from so called Islamic State now want to rid the Yazidi people of their self defence forces at the request of Turkey. It was only the PKK that opened up a humanitarian corridor to Rojava in Syria and saved many thousands from certain death. #BijiSerokApo #PKK #YazidiGenocide #Sinjar link to medya news you tube vid. https://youtu.be/iIm11RmZk-o
#bijiserokapo #pkk #yazidigenocide #sinjar
Today we remember a black day in history. On 3 August 2014 the Islamic State (IS) commenced a coldly calculated policy of ethnic cleansing and genocide against the Yazidi community in Iraq.
Almost 10 years on, Yazidis still suffer the consequences.
We can do two things to help:
1. Donate
➡️ https://www.yazda.org/
➡️ https://www.nadiasinitiative.org/
2. Learn more
➡️ "Destroying the Soul of the Yazidis" report: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3826125
#sinjar #iraq #ethniccleansing #slavery #genocide #Yazidis
Heute vor 9 Jahren begann der genozidale Angriff von #daesh auf die jesidische Gemeinschaft im #shingal .
Zehntausende wurden vertrieben, tausende getötet und mehr als 5000 Frauen und Kinder in die Sklaverei verschleppt. Der Verbleib von über der Hälfte von ihnen ist immer noch ungeklärt. Mein Herz ist heute bei allen, die heute um Freund*innen, Verwandte und Nachbar*innen trauern! 🖤
#3August #ezidi #sinjar #HAWARCallToRemember #keinVergebenKeinVergessen
#daesh #shingal #3august #ezidi #sinjar #HAWARCallToRemember #keinvergebenkeinvergessen
Nine years ago today #ISIS #IS #Daesh captured #Sinjar and the #Yazidi #genocide started - if you are not familiar with it, please watch Nobel Peace Prize laureate #Nadia #Murad 's interview on BBC Hardtalk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRbHxsPLmkg
#isis #is #daesh #sinjar #Yazidi #genocide #nadia #murad
“Il riconoscimento del genocidio subìto dal popolo ezida è doveroso e necessario” https://altreconomia.it/il-riconoscimento-del-genocidio-subito-dal-popolo-ezida-e-doveroso-e-necessario/ #NazioniUnite #Attualità #Opinioni #Shengal #Turchia #Sinjar #yazidi #curdi #ezida #ezide #unhcr #Isis
#NazioniUnite #attualita #opinioni #Shengal #turchia #sinjar #yazidi #curdi #ezida #ezide #UNHCR #isis
Der Bundestag hat den #Genozid der #Terrormiliz #IS an den #Jesiden im #Irak anerkannt. In #Sinjar nahm das #Massaker am jesidischen Volk ungekannte Ausmaße an. #Weltreporterin #BirgitSvensson traf dort sieben Jahre nach Vertreibung der #Dschihadisten immer noch auf Zerstörung, aber auch auf neue Hoffnung.
#FürSievorOrt #Irak #Jesidinnen #Terror #Menschenrechte #auslandsberichterstattung #aulsandskorrespondenten #auslandsjournalismus #auslandsreportagen
#genozid #terrormiliz #is #jesiden #irak #sinjar #massaker #weltreporterin #birgitsvensson #dschihadisten #fursievorort #jesidinnen #terror #menschenrechte #auslandsberichterstattung #aulsandskorrespondenten #auslandsjournalismus #auslandsreportagen
Ganz böse Schatten, die da gerade wieder im #Irak erwachen:
In #Sindschar - einer multiethnischen & multireligiösen Stadt - sollen #Jesiden eine Moschee angezündet haben. Das behaupten Menschen in den sozialen Medien und posten Fotos der angeblich zerstörten Moschee.
Die sunnitische Gemeinde widerspricht rasch, dass die Rahman-Moschee nicht beschädigt wurde und die jesidische Demonstration friedlich verlief.
Trotzdem hetzen hunderte Irakis auf Social Media gegen Jesiden, nennen sie "Ungläubige" und "Teufelsanbeter".
Es sind genau diese Worte, mit denen #Daesch (#ISIS) ab 2014 den Völkermord an den Jesiden betrieb und rechtfertigte.
#irak #sindschar #Jesiden #daesch #isis #sinjar #Yeziden #yazidi #iraq
Irakische Armee schickt Familien die am Massaker der êzidischen Bevölkerung beteiligt waren zurück nach Şengal
Nachdem die Bevölkerung Şengals die Machenschaften der irakischen Nationalpolizei und irakischen Armee erkannte, gingen die Menschen auf die Straße und reagierten mit aller Härte gegen die Rückführung derer, die am Massaker der êzidischen Bevölkerung beteiligt waren.
#sengal #sinjar #isis #Irak #protest
Es braucht eine größere Kraftanstrengung, damit nach #Sinjar alle Menschen zurückkehren können. Dabei möchten wir #Irak unterstützen. Es ist die gemeinsame Verantwortung der Weltgemeinschaft, die einen Genozid nicht verhindert hat, der vor ihren Augen stattfand. @ABaerbock 3/4
RT @Free_Yezidi
Despite destruction in #Turkey #Turkiye from #TurkeySyriaEarthquake , Turkish military still has time to conduct TARGETED ASSASSINATIONS of people from #Iraq in #Sinjar . Reportedly three were killed by Turkish airstrike today. This harms Yezidi efforts to return to their homes. https://twitter.com/elyais2014/status/1630154396226015232
#sinjar #iraq #turkeysyriaearthquake #Turkiye #turkey
RT @mutludc
New Turkish airstrike in #Sinjar ? https://twitter.com/free_yezidi/status/1630209248813633536
#Earthquake (#زلزال) M2.6 strikes 29 km E of #Sinjār (#Iraq) 12 min ago. More info: https://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/earthquake.php?id=1218324
#earthquake #زلزال #sinjar #iraq
RT @LoysdeP@twitter.com
A #Sinjar , malgré l’absence de chretiens, les communautés #Yezidi et musulmanes de la ville ont voulu marquer le jour de #Noel en se rendant dans les églises encore debout. Un beau message de fraternité dans une ville encore marquée par la guerre et les destructions #Irak #Iraq https://twitter.com/farhadbarakat/status/1607059564633149440
#sinjar #yezidi #noel #irak #iraq
Tonight, #Kurdistan is under attack. In #Mehabad , #Rojhelat . the Islamic Republic of #Iran is trying to repress the feminist uprising sparked by the murder of #MahsaAmini .
In #Rojava and #Başûrê , in an effort to shore up his falling polling numbers over the bad economy, #Erdogan (#RTE) is again "wagging the dog" to attack Kurds and maintain his electoral alliance with the war-mongering Turkish nationalist #MHP . Erdogan is once again bombing #Kobani , the city that defied ISIS. Erdogan is once again attacking the #SDF, #YPG and YPJ that defeated ISIS in #Raqqa and liberated the trapped Yazidi people at #Sinjar. In #Bakur, Erdogan continues his repression of the feminist , socialist , pro-Kurdish #HDP .
Its difficult to hear dissident, Kurdish and women's voices when autocratic states wage war against Kurds, women and dissidents. #Twitter, for all its faults, was one of the few places where regular information could be more easily found.
While folks are rightly listing their grievances with Twitter, and Twitter has bent to autocratic demands by banning dissident information from appearing in certain countries and banning some accounts, this is an even bigger problem with Facebook and Reddit.
Facebook's 2nd highest executive buckled to Erdogan during Turkey's invasion of Afrin, by banning the YPG's page with its half a million followers. We have the receipts:
On a smaller scale, Reddit recently banned /r/rojava , a news subreddit active since 2014 on spurious claims of "violence". It had 34,458 subscribers. I was one of its senior redditors. Thousands of posts about Rojava with detailed information that can not be found easily anywhere else. Unique English translations of articles in Arabic or Kurmanji from websites that no longer exist, or messages that have been erased in social media.
/r/rojava had been brigaded before by Erdogan's AKTrolls who would manipulate the algorithmic moderation to temporarily block posts or users. We had been able to overcome those past attempts.
I highly suspect that Jessica Ashooh, former consultant to the Kurdistan Regional Government ( #KRG) , former Deputy Director, Middle East Strategy Task Force for the #AtlanticCouncil and currently the Senior Director of Policy at Reddit would have been consulted and approve of the banning of htttps://www.reddit.com/r/rojava
Ashooh would have been aware of it as a source and the differences between it compared to /r/syriancivilwar and /r/kurdistan . The speed by which https://www.reddit.com/r/aanes (a new subreddit that had no post that could even be construed as discussion violence and was tightly moderated to share articles about the Autonomous Administration of North East Syria--AANES ) suggest the ban on it and /r/rojava were political motivated.
It will be some time before a decentralized federation of social media and news sites will be able to gain the reach that the walled garden sites like Twitter have. Its is absolutely essential that a decentralized federation of social media and news sites does grow to have that sort of reach. Otherwise, dissident voices will always be subject to repression by the collusion of profiteering billionaires and autocrat tyrants.
So, if you want to help with that growing that decentralized communication... maybe boost this post?
( If I'm wrong about Ashooh banning /r/rojava , she also has the power to unban it. )
P.S. This post is way to long to have ever appeared on Twitter, so thats pretty cool.
#kurdistan #mehabad #rojhelat #Iran #mahsaamini #Rojava #Başûrê #erdogan #rte #mhp #kobani #SDF #ypg #raqqa #sinjar #bakur #hdp #twitter #krg #atlanticcouncil
Tonight, #Kurdistan is under attack. In #Mehabad , #Rojhelat . the Islamic Republic of #Iran is trying to repress the feminist uprising sparked by the murder of #MahsaAmini . In #Rojava and #Başûrê , in an effort to shore up his falling polling numbers over the bad economy, #Erdogan (#RTE) is again "wagging the dog" to attack Kurds and maintain his electoral alliance with the war-mongering Turkish nationalist #MHP . Erdogan is once again bombing #Kobani , the city that defied ISIS. Erdogan is once again attacking the #SDF, #YPG and YPJ that defeated ISIS in #Raqqa In #Bakur, and liberated the trapped Yazidi people at #Sinjar.
In #Bakur, Erdogan continues his repression of the feminist , socialist , pro-Kurdish #HDP .
Its difficult to hear dissident, Kurdish and women's voices when autocratic states wage war against Kurds, women and dissidents. #Twitter, for all its faults, was one of the few places where regular information could be more easily found.
While folks are rightly listing their grievances with Twitter, and Twitter has bent to autocratic demands by banning dissident information from appearing in certain countries and banning some accounts, this is an even bigger problem with Facebook and Reddit.
Facebook's 2nd highest executive buckled to Erdogan during Turkey's invasion of Afrin, by banning the YPG's page with its half a million followers. We have the receipts:
On a smaller scale, Reddit recently banned /r/rojava , a news subreddit active since 2014 on spurious claims of "violence". It had 34,458 subscribers. I was one of its senior redditors. Thousands of posts about Rojava with detailed information that can not be found easily anywhere else. Unique English translations of articles in Arabic or Kurmanji from websites that no longer exist, or messages that have been erased in social media.
/r/rojava had been brigaded before by Erdogan's AKTrolls who would manipulate the algorithmic moderation to temporarily block posts or users. We had been able to overcome those past attempts.
I highly suspect that Jessica Ashooh, former consultant to the Kurdistan Regional Government ( #KRG) , former Deputy Director, Middle East Strategy Task Force for the #AtlanticCouncil and currently the Senior Director of Policy at Reddit would have been consulted and approve of the banning of htttps://www.reddit.com/r/rojava
Ashooh would have been aware of it as a source and the differences between it compared to /r/syriancivilwar and /r/kurdistan . The speed by which https://www.reddit.com/r/aanes (a new subreddit that had no post that could even be construed as discussion violence and was tightly moderated to share articles about the Autonomous Administration of North East Syria--AANES ) suggest the ban on it and /r/rojava were political motivated.
It will be some time before a decentralized federation of social media and news sites will be able to gain the reach that the walled garden sites like Twitter have. Its is absolutely essential that a decentralized federation of social media and news sites does grow to have that sort of reach. Otherwise, dissident voices will always be subject to repression by the collusion of profiteering billionaires and autocrat tyrants.
So, if you want to help with that growing that decentralized communication... maybe boost this post?
( If I'm wrong about Ashooh banning /r/rojava , she also has the power to unban it. )
P.S. This post is way to long to have ever appeared on Twitter, so thats pretty cool.
#kurdistan #mehabad #rojhelat #Iran #mahsaamini #Rojava #Başûrê #erdogan #rte #mhp #kobani #SDF #ypg #raqqa #bakur #sinjar #hdp #twitter #krg #atlanticcouncil
Tonight, #Kurdistan is under attack. In #Mehabad , #Rojhelat . the Islamic Republic of #Iran is trying to repress the feminist uprising sparked by the murder of #MahsaAmini . In #Rojava and #Başûrê , in an effort to shore up his falling polling numbers over the bad economy, #Erdogan (#RTE) is again "wagging the dog" to attack Kurds and maintain his electoral alliance with the war-mongering Turkish nationalist #MHP . Erdogan is once again bombing #Kobani , the city that defied ISIS. Erdogan is once again attacking the #SDF, #YPG and YPJ that defeated ISIS in #Raqqa In #Bakur, and liberated the trapped Yazidi people at #Sinjar.
In #Bakur, Erdogan continues his repression of the feminist , socialist , pro-Kurdish #HDP .
Its difficult to hear dissident, Kurdish and women's voices when autocratic states wage war against Kurds, women and dissidents. #Twitter, for all its faults, was one of the few places where regular information could be more easily found.
While folks are rightly listing their grievances with Twitter, and Twitter has bent to autocratic demands by banning dissident information from appearing in certain countries and banning some accounts, this is an even bigger problem with Facebook and Reddit.
Facebook's 2nd highest executive buckled to Erdogan during Turkey's invasion of Afrin, by banning the YPG's page with its half a million followers. We have the receipts:
On a smaller scale, Reddit recently banned /r/rojava , a news subreddit active since 2014 on spurious claims of "violence". It had 34,458 subscribers. I was one of its senior redditors. Thousands of posts about Rojava with detailed information that can not be found easily anywhere else. Unique English translations of articles in Arabic or Kurmanji from websites that no longer exist, or messages that have been erased in social media.
/r/rojava had been brigaded before by Erdogan's AKTrolls who would manipulate the algorithmic moderation to temporarily block posts or users. We had been able to overcome those past attempts.
I highly suspect that Jessica Ashooh, former consultant to the Kurdistan Regional Government ( #KRG) , former Deputy Director, Middle East Strategy Task Force for the #AtlanticCouncil and currently the Senior Director of Policy at Reddit would have been consulted and approve of the banning of htttps://www.reddit.com/r/rojava
Ashooh would have been aware of it as a source and the differences between it compared to /r/syriancivilwar and /r/kurdistan . The speed by which https://www.reddit.com/r/aanes (a new subreddit that had no post that could even be construed as discussion violence and was tightly moderated to share articles about the Autonomous Administration of North East Syria--AANES ) suggest the ban on it and /r/rojava were political motivated.
It will be some time before a decentralized federation of social media and news sites will be able to gain the reach that the walled garden sites like Twitter have. Its is absolutely essential that a decentralized federation of social media and news sites does grow to have that sort of reach. Otherwise, dissident voices will always be subject to repression by the collusion of profiteering billionaires and autocrat tyrants.
So, if you want to help with that growing that decentralized communication... maybe boost this post?
( If I'm wrong about Ashooh banning /r/rojava , she also has the power to unban it. )
P.S. This post is way to long to have ever appeared on Twitter, so thats pretty cool.
#kurdistan #mehabad #rojhelat #Iran #mahsaamini #Rojava #Başûrê #erdogan #rte #mhp #kobani #SDF #ypg #raqqa #bakur #sinjar #hdp #twitter #krg #atlanticcouncil
Para la estabilidad en Irak, hay que detener los ataques turcos en Sinjar https://www.kurdistanamericalatina.org/para-la-estabilidad-en-irak-hay-que-detener-los-ataques-turcos-en-sinjar/ via @RojavaAzadi@twitter.com #Bashur #Sinjar #turquia #Erdogan #YazidiGenocide #isis #PKK #europa #feminisme #Jineolojî
#bashur #sinjar #turquia #erdogan #yazidigenocide #isis #pkk #europa #feminisme #jineolojî
¿Está Turquía detrás del muro fronterizo y del despliegue iraquí en Sinjar? https://rojavaazadimadrid.org/esta-turquia-detras-del-muro-fronterizo-y-del-despliegue-iraqui-en-sinjar/ via @RojavaAzadi@twitter.com #Sinjar #Shengal #YazidiGenocide #turquia #Erdogan #LausanneFailure #ISIS #PKK #europa #feminisme #jineolojî
#sinjar #shengal #yazidigenocide #turquia #erdogan #LausanneFailure #isis #pkk #europa #feminisme #jineolojî