Sinking Ship by Wild Child.
I bawled my eyes out to this song when my ex-wife told me that she wanted divorce. It is about a doomed relationship.
#MusicVideo #Music #SinkingShip #WildChild #divorce #love #relationships #crying #tears #bawling
#musicvideo #music #sinkingship #wildchild #divorce #love #relationships #crying #tears #bawling
I’m surprised #FoxNews has not settled out of court. Waiting for a favourable jury selection?
Perhaps FauxNews is afraid of public acknowledgment of wrongdoing as settlement condition.
#Murdochs #sinkingship #dominion #foxnews
Looks like things are going GREAT over at #Twitter
#twitter #elonmusk #sinkingship
Today something really shocking happened. My boss tendered his resignation effective March 31st. My boss is a really good dude and he's more a friend. I wish him well. Well his boss, the director, asked me to be the interim service desk manager. I gave him the polite equivalent of, "Hell no! Peace out."
The director is literally the reason why we have had 3 resignations so far in March alone. Gonna be fourth when my transfer to a different state agency goes through. #sinkingship
Alternative movie poster showing a snking ship, and iceberg, a lifegoat on a cold blue sea with a yellow sky
#titanic #ship #iceberg #lifeboat #BuyIntoArt #sink #sinkingship #unsinkable #theunsinkable #AYearForArt #painting #MastoArt #SpringForArt #MastoDaoine #FediGiftShop #jamesmccormackartist
#jamesmccormackartist #fedigiftshop #mastodaoine #springforart #MastoArt #painting #ayearforart #theunsinkable #unsinkable #sinkingship #sink #buyintoart #lifeboat #iceberg #ship #titanic
on board the tory titanic, the deck chairs are being reshuffled, the band is playing nearer my god to thee, the guitarist says "boys we doing this gig for the lord!" #sinkingShip
@mark_jiron Well, we've seen the results for Kevin McCarthy's inaction in regards to #Jan6. They're selling their souls just to hold onto a threadbare coattail. Deep down they know #Santos needs to go but they're desperate to hold onto whatever they can. #GOP #sinkingship
#JAN6 #santos #gop #sinkingship
Still trying to take care of my end of year bills. They’ve now officially cut my hours at work and any previously set schedules are no longer guaranteed. Donations are crucial and greatly appreciated as I work for getting a replacement job. Thank you.
CashApp: $PEgypt
#meltdown #toxicworklife #audhd #severeburnout #wtf #supportneeded #donationsneeded
#toxicworkplaces #ableismaritsfinest #toomuch #meltdowncentral #toxicworkplaces #ableismaritsfinest #toomuch #meltdowncentral #ableistpractices #audhd #adhd #autism #cagent #livinghell #tryingtomakendsmeet #pleasedonate #shouldquit #cantquit #pleasehireme #makeaccommodationsaccessible #toomuchchange #corporategreed #sinkingship #autistok #audhatiktok #adhdtiktok #autismtiktok #latedx #selfdx #makeitmakesense #ableistdisabledproductcompany #ableist #bullshit #mutualaid #mutualaidrequest #pleasedonate #pleasesupport
#meltdown #toxicworklife #AuDHD #severeburnout #WTF #supportneeded #donationsneeded #toxicworkplaces #ableismaritsfinest #toomuch #meltdowncentral #ableistpractices #adhd #autism #cagent #livinghell #tryingtomakendsmeet #pleasedonate #shouldquit #cantquit #pleasehireme #makeaccommodationsaccessible #toomuchchange #corporategreed #sinkingship #autistok #audhatiktok #adhdtiktok #autismtiktok #LateDX #SelfDx #makeitmakesense #ableistdisabledproductcompany #ableist #bullshit #MutualAid #MutualAidRequest #pleasesupport
Asked my supervisor about that email this morning - here’s how it went:
🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 you’re no help Brian. #toxicworkplaces #ableismaritsfinest #toomuch #meltdowncentral #ableistpractices #audhd #adhd #autism #ccagent #livinghell #tryingtomakendsmeet #pleasedonate #shouldquit #cantquit #pleasehireme #makeaccommodationsaccessible #toomuchchange #corporategreed
#Sinkingship #autistok #audhdtiktok #adhdtiktok #autismtiktok #lated× #selfdx #makeitmakesense #ableistdisabledproductcompany
Me: “I’m gonna need us to have a shortish meeting today or tomorrow if possible so you can explain this to me. Because I saw it last night and had a full blown meltdown out of confusion and frustration. So I’m gonna need some clarity.”
Supervisor: “All it means is that they are going to be going off your stats. If you are in group one then you keep what ever shift you have. If you are in group 2 or three then there will be a shift bid.”
Me: “A shift bid? So what happens if you lose the bid?”
Supervisor: “I'm not sure exactly how they will work it but there should be multiple shifts that you would choose from. We are having a TLS meeting tomorrow and so I'm sure they will let us know more about it then. So once I find out more information on it I'll let you know.”
#toxicworkplaces #ableismaritsfinest #toomuch #meltdowncentral #ableistpractices #AuDHD #adhd #autism #ccagent #livinghell #tryingtomakendsmeet #pleasedonate #shouldquit #cantquit #pleasehireme #makeaccommodationsaccessible #toomuchchange #corporategreed #sinkingship #autistok #audhdtiktok #adhdtiktok #autismtiktok #lated #SelfDx #makeitmakesense #ableistdisabledproductcompany
I never thought TRADING CARDS would have me laughing beyond control. #loser #flailing #sinkingship #majorannouncement
#loser #flailing #sinkingship #majorannouncement
When you work as a captioning agent but you’re #audhd and in burnout so everything is loud muddy and triggering - and the vdi and captioning software your toxic employers make you use is half baked so it’s always freezing/glitching/spitting out nonsense anyways - NIGHTMARE. FUEL. Being unsupported by management & only paid 12/hr for three years doesn’t help. #spiraling #audhd #burnout #hell #underpaidoverworked #AuDHD #audhdburnout #audioprocessingissues #sensoryhell #micromanagementnightmare #makeaccomodationsaccessible #mismanagement #sinkingship #toxicworkculture
#AuDHD #spiraling #burnout #hell #underpaidoverworked #audhdburnout #audioprocessingissues #sensoryhell #micromanagementnightmare #makeaccomodationsaccessible #mismanagement #sinkingship #toxicworkculture
I'm trying to formulate a response to a client, but I'm struggling to make "Get your absolute doorknob of a 19 year old nephew out of the CISO position" sufficiently dumbed down that the tech-illiterate CEO will finally understand just how buggered they are.
...I'm very glad I get most of my fee upfront in these kinds of cases, because I suspect these guys won't be around for much longer after GDPR comes raining from above.
#GDPR #CISO #DisasterWaitingToHappen #Consulting #SinkingShip
#gdpr #ciso #disasterwaitingtohappen #consulting #sinkingship
This puts me in mind of rats and sinking ship, for some reason. #rats #sinkingShip #conservativePoliticians #losers #jumpingBeforePushed #longPeriodOfOpposition
#rats #sinkingship #conservativePoliticians #losers #jumpingBeforePushed #longPeriodOfOpposition
Well, we had a good run…
#twitter #twittermigration #musk #goodbye #sinkingship
Dr. Fauci announces resignation as NIAID director and chief medical advisor to Biden.
Plans to step down in December.
#Rat #SinkingShip
RT @OpenLabour: BREAKING NEWS: Tory ministers who publicly defended lockdown-breaking parties, the Owen Paterson scandal, and wallpapergate resign, suddenly citing the need for government to be run "competently and seriously". #sinkingship
#sinking #sinkingship #titanic #climatechange #smartphones #comic #lefthand