Thomas · @derthomas
31 followers · 324 posts · Server

- Verdict

delivered a really strong debut record with this one! I heard lots of folk elements, nice riffs and semi-raw guitars (if that is a term).

I am curious what the next one(s) will bring. Judging purely from the album covers of the following records, there will be some style changes ahead.

I'll continue tomorrow morning with Episode 2, .

#vildamannu #eternaltearsofsorrow #sinnersserenade #metaljourney #etos

Last updated 2 years ago

Thomas · @derthomas
30 followers · 320 posts · Server

- 2

Wow, My God, The Evil Wind is a good one! Starts off really nice.

Again, I love the sound of the guitars! And: often I have issues with gutteral vocals, there's a fine line for me between loving or hating it, but here it definitely works for me. Altti's vocals are not too "extreme" (for me), I can still understand the lyrics, which is nice 🤘

- My God, The Evil Wind

#eternaltearsofsorrow #nowplaying #sinnersserenade #metaljourney #etos

Last updated 2 years ago

Thomas · @derthomas
30 followers · 319 posts · Server

- 1

While typing in the prologue, I was already halfway through their 1997 debut album, and I have to say that I am positively surprised. The guitars sound great, somehow raw, but not to raw. Great melodies, and also, great vocals.

The title track stands out so far, I also like the folkish Intro to the Song (Into the Deepest Waters).

(By the way @etosofficial , I apologize in advance if I write anything completely wrong 😂)

#sinnersserenade #metaljourney #etos

Last updated 2 years ago

Thomas · @derthomas
30 followers · 318 posts · Server

- Prologue II

So what's on the menu? Finish melodic death established in 1994, and these are the courses:

Sinner’s Serenade (1997)
Vilda Mánnu (1998)
Chaotic Beauty (2000)
A Virgin and a Whore (2001)
Before the Bleeding Sun (2006)
Children of the Dark Waters (2009)
Saivon Lapsi (2013)

So , here we go!

#sinnersserenade #metaljourney #etos

Last updated 2 years ago