Analysis finds the rise of “muscular unionism” is out of step with public opinion and there is a “striking ambivalence” to retaining the union in its current form
#UKPol #Wales #England #Scotland #NorthernIreland #RishiSunak #KeirStarmer #BorisJohnson #Labour #Tories #GreenParty #PlaidCymru #SNP #SinnFein #MuscularUnionism #Independence
#independence #muscularunionism #sinnfein #snp #plaidcymru #greenparty #tories #labour #borisjohnson #keirstarmer #RishiSunak #northernireland #scotland #england #wales #ukpol
Now I remember the name of the place...: #NeptuneHouse, and... that leads me to learn a lot about my former dwelling !
Child #trafficking and #ForcedAdoptions, secret meetings with #SinnFein ... wow.
#neptunehouse #trafficking #forcedadoptions #sinnfein #trinitycollegedublin #dublin
Isn’t it terribly convenient there was a #psni data breach or two recently? #dup are lagging in the polls and need something to rouse the voters. Paramilitaries can rattle a lot of cages by posting random A4 sheets here and there: and they are not bothered by including a #sinnfein politician as well. Coordination between Loyalist & Republican drug cartels is not unknown . Blaming Republicans is not the full picture, even if convenient @irelandpolitics
Si hay algo que puede dar las próximas elecciones en #Irlanda a #SinnFéin, es esto: hay 12.600 personas sin hogar, récord histórico. La República de Irlanda es (oficialmente) más rica que nunca, pero los irlandeses no pueden vivir en Dublín.
Mientras, el 'tánaiste' (viceprimer ministro) defiende el fin de la moratoria sobre los desahucios afirmando que "no contribuiría a aumentar la #vivienda disponible en el mercado".
#economía #noticias
#irlanda #sinnfein #vivienda #economia #noticias
After the Acts of Union in 1800 John Courtnay Irish MP welcomed the new Irish MPs to the Commons, but protested the parliamentary oath of allegiance which continued to prevent members of Ireland's Roman Catholic majority from being seated in the House.So its not just #SinnFein!
"The party’s growth is largely because it is left-wing. As property prices have surged back since the 2008 crash, younger people have been pushed out of the housing market. Homelessness rates are rising. And Ireland still doesn’t have proper universal healthcare, despite long-standing promises from all parties."
Is #Ireland getting ready to unite?
#ireland #sinnfein #irlande #IrishUnity
"The party’s growth is largely because it is left-wing. As property prices have surged back since the 2008 crash, younger people have been pushed out of the housing market. Homelessness rates are rising. And Ireland still doesn’t have proper universal healthcare, despite long-standing promises from all parties."
Is #Ireland getting ready to unite?
#ireland #sinnfein #irlande #IrishUnity
L’échec des accords de paix pour l’Irlande du Nord 25 ans après
Voici 25 ans, le 10 avril 1998 que, sous le parrainage de l’impérialisme américain, l’accord de Belfast a été signé par les chefs des gouvernements britannique (Tony Blair, Labour Party) et irlandais (Bertie Ahern,
#1998 #AccordDeBelfast #brexit #DUP #EtatsUnis #frontire #Irlande #runification #RoyaumeUni #SinnFein #UE
#ue #sinnfein #royaumeuni #runification #irlande #frontire #etatsunis #dup #brexit #accorddebelfast
#Unionism is in crisis in #NorthernIreland - and #SinnFéin is becoming an election-winning machine | Sarah Creighton
#sinnfein #northernireland #unionism
He stood at front of #Stormont after the worse election result for #Unionism at a local election - they ran to stand still.
They are no longer the biggest party of local government, their biggest numbers of cllrs has been surpassed by #sinnfein
He still has enough front to issue a list of demands to get him to agree to go back to work. The man has an ego bigger than intelligence. I don't hold out much hope for CHH carrying out his threat!
Listening to #RTE #primetime (+1), I am stuck by just how similar Irish gov. ministers are to US tech company executives in their views.
They both try to grow US tech company profits regardless of anything else, including EU/Irish law: data protection, tax, employment, ...
#SinnFein are going to walk the next election in #Ireland - increasingly, I can not imagine how they could do any worse than #FF #FG.
#rte #primetime #sinnfein #ireland #ff #fg
First of all Jeff, Jim, Doug, Mike and the rest - need to be honest with themselves and then the voters - Unionism isn't growing it's voting base, they don't have a positive message and the biggest problem - what if they can't form a party to compete with #sinnfein
Despite them trying to make #SF & Michelle the bogeyman - people aren't frightened of SF anymore! No matter how much Ben howls at the moon & 🚮 squeals about 200,000 voters voting for the #DUP & #TUV!
Sinn Féin dominates council elections as Irish nationalists, irritated by Democratic Unionist sabotage of power-sharing, back the Irish unity party in record numbers.
The Irish republicans had been tipped to finish a strong first place in Northern Ireland’s council elections last Thursday, overtaking Jeffrey Donaldson’s DUP along the way. But even Sinn Fein’s wildest hopes were eclipsed over a two-day count.
#sinnfein #Politics #Elections #Ireland #NorthernIreland
DUP urged to restore power sharing in Northern Ireland after Sinn Féin poll triumph
Former DUP leader calls Sinn Féin electoral gains a ‘wake up and smell the coffee moment’ for unionism
#sinnfein #elections #northernireland
#SinnFéin no pierde tiempo para pedir una restauración del Gobierno autónomo tras una contundente victoria en las municipales en #Irlanda del Norte.
El #DUP sigue dando largas, pero se ha quedado sin excusas para no bajarse del monte: nada indica que vaya a volver a ser primera fuerza si hay nuevas elecciones y los ultras del TUV han sido contenidos.
Pero los unionistas no necesitan sardinas para beber agua: solo Londres puede dar la bofetada en la mesa necesaria
Katholische Sinn Fein gewinnt erstmals Kommunalwahl in Nordirland
Bei den Kommunalwahlen in Nordirland hat die katholisch-republikanische Sinn Fein erstmals die meisten Stimmen gewonnen. Für die pro-britische DUP bedeutet das Ergebnis ein Bangen um die Union mit Großbritannien.
#sinnfein #nordirland #kommunalwahlen
Battle of Ballyellis June 30th 1798 where British Cavalry lost 60 to Irish none #SinnFéin
So, according to the BBC, an increase of 7.7% in vote share for SF and a decline in the vote share for both the DUP and UUP leaves Donaldson "...with a renewed mandate to seek the changes he needs to the Windsor Framework before returning to Stormont."
Really? The BBC has become the mouthpiece for the DUP.