I needed an clutter free online resource for stroke order of #kanji/#hanji/#漢字 that included less frequent characters. I couldn't find one so I made one: https://characterdb.ketmia.net/hitsujun/
I know that there are lots of other online resources for showing the stroke order of sinograms. Some of them are more useful than others. Most (probaly all) of them are incomplete with regard differences in stroke order according to region and writing style. Additionally, they explain often a rather limited number of sinograms.
KanjiStrokeOrders has the first two limitations as well (and might be less well maintained) but it does explain many more graphs (I counted 6612). I also happen to like the minimalist black and white single image with numbers style. If you know of a better resource, please let me know.
I wonder whether the characters for 瑪瑙 were chosen not only for their sound but also for their strokes, resembling somewhat the weird lines in agate... #漢字 #character #sinogram #Chinese
#漢字 #character #sinogram #chinese
Four days ago I boosted a photo by @omi_geek with 門 on a signboard. Today I saw a print by Hiroshige titled 品川すさき which made me realize that the cursive forms of 門 and 川 can be quite similar (in this instance there’s no doubt, but some versions of 門 are even more like 川 as in the print). (Even) more trivially, for me a new word on the signboard 酒肆 shúshi https://takoboto.jp/?q=%E9%85%92%E8%82%86 #sinogram #writing #kanji #trivial comment but nice #photograph and #Japanese #ukiyoe #print
#trivial #photograph #sinogram #writing #kanji #ukiyoe #print #japanese
Four days ago I boosted a photo by @omi_geek with 門 on a signboard. Today I saw a print by Hiroshige titled 品川すさき which made me realize that the cursive forms of 門 and 川 can be quite similar (in this instance there’s no doubt, but some versions of 門 are even more like 川 as in the print). (Even) more trivially, for me a new word on the signboard 酒肆 shúshi https://takoboto.jp/?q=%E9%85%92%E8%82%86 #sinogram #writing #kanji #trivial comment but nice #photograph and #Japanese #ukiyoe #print
#trivial #photograph #sinogram #writing #kanji #ukiyoe #print #japanese
Four days ago I boosted a photo by @omi_geek with 門 on a signboard. Today I saw a print by Hiroshige titled 品川すさき which made me realize that the cursive forms of 門 and 川 can be quite similar (in this instance there’s no doubt, but some versions of 門 are even more like 川 as in the print). (Even) more trivially, for me an new word on the signboard 酒肆 shúshi https://takoboto.jp/?q=%E9%85%92%E8%82%86 #sinogram #writing #kanji #trivial comment but nice #photograph and #Japanese #ukiyoe #print
#sinogram #ukiyoe #writing #kanji #photograph #japanese #trivial #print
Four days ago I boosted a photo by @omi_geek with 門 on a signboard. Today I saw a print by Hiroshige titled 品川すさき which made me realize that the cursive forms of 門 and 川 can be quite similar (in this instance there’s no doubt, but some versions of 門 are even more like 川 as in the print). EVen more trivially, for me an new word on the signboard 酒肆 shúshi https://takoboto.jp/?q=%E9%85%92%E8%82%86 #sinogram #writing #kanji #trivial comment but nice #photograph and #Japanese #ukiyoe #print
#sinogram #print #writing #kanji #trivial #photograph #japanese #ukiyoe
Four days ago I boosted a photo by @omi_geek with 門 on a signboard. Today I saw a print by Hiroshige titled 品川すさき which made me realize that the cursive forms of 門 and 川 can be quite similar (in this instance there’s no doubt, but some versions of 門 are even more like 川 as in the print). EVen more trivially, for me an new word on the signboard 酒肆 shúshi https://takoboto.jp/?q=%E9%85%92%E8%82%86 #sinogram #writing #kanji #trivial comment
#sinogram #writing #kanji #trivial
Four days ago I boosted a photo by @omi_geek with 門 on a signboard. Today I saw a print by Hiroshige titled 品川すさき which made me realize that the cursive forms of 門 and 川 can be quite similar (in this instance there’s no doubt, but some versions of 門 are even more like 川 as in the print). EVen more trivially, for me an new word on the signboard 酒肆 shúshi https://takoboto.jp/?q=%E9%85%92%E8%82%86 #sinogram #writing #trivial comment