THE LEAVING OF LIVERPOOL: ITV and Virgin Media Ireland have teamed up for 'Redemption' - a six part drama about a Liverpool cop working in Dublin following a family tragedy. But is the drama starring Paula Malcolmson, Siobhan McSweeney and Moe Dunford distinctive enough?.. #redemption #police #itv #dublin #paulamalcolmson #liverpool #virginmediaireland #crime #moedunford #gardai #SiobhanMcSweeney
#redemption #Police #itv #dublin #paulamalcolmson #liverpool #VirginMediaIreland #crime #MoeDunford #Gardai #siobhanmcsweeney
Should’ve hashtagged that post better:
#BadBridget #LáFéileBríde #StBridgetsDay #Podcast #ElaineFarrell #LeanneMcCormick #QUB #UniversityOfUlster #SiobhánMcSweeney #IrishAmerica #Emigration
#badbridget #lafeilebride #stbridgetsday #podcast #elainefarrell #leannemccormick #QUB #universityofulster #siobhanmcsweeney #irishamerica #emigration
The characters in "Death in Paradise" just described Siobhán McSweeney's very-much Irish character as "British."
#DeathinParadise #siobhanmcsweeney #wtf