To use #DIDAuth for private key proof, your could use #affinidi #sdk to do if you need to claims with DID? The answer is that all you need is a slightly modified exchange protocol for Verifier. So we ask the verifier to send us a challenge and issue a VP.
It is much easier to get adoption when you build on top of standards that are already in use. I am happy to see the recent OpenID4VP spec based on : #SIOP v2
Bore da!
Mae’r tywydd yn cymylog a bwrw glaw, ond dim oer.
Dw i’n mynd i siop siocled, Lowe’s, siop llyfrau, a wedyn dw i’n bwyta cinio allan (pysgod a sglodion).
#dysgucymraeg #siop
@IDIMAndrew "enabled" is a strong word, I'd use maybe "emerged independently at the same time" and the two concepts were conflated together for two long before we were able to get those differentiated again
I still refer to the #SIOP part of the #OIDC spec as a witness of this.
This is from
While never implemented, it sounds like they did conduct a limited exercise concerning the concept of a rail car launched missile.
Lionel was always ahead of the game.