Nice to see #GitLab 16.3.0 being released with an upgraded runner that adds support for #RISCV !
Time to upgrade my
#Sipeed #LicheePi4A based runner from beta to 16.3.0
#gitlab #riscv #sipeed #licheepi4a
Lichee Pad 4A is a RISC-V tablet with a 10 inch display and Android or Debian support #Lm4a, #Riscv, #RiscvTablet, #Sipeed, #SipeedLicheePad4a, #Tablet
#lm4a #riscv #riscvtablet #sipeed #sipeedlicheepad4a #tablet
Lichee Console 4A is a mini-laptop with a RISC-V processor and 7 inch display #ComputeModule, #LicheeConsole4a, #LicheePi4a, #Lm4a, #MiniLaptop, #Modular, #Riscv, #Sipeed, #Th1520
#computemodule #licheeconsole4a #licheepi4a #lm4a #minilaptop #modular #riscv #sipeed #th1520
All right! Primitives using HCLK (OSER4/8/10/VIDEO IDES4/8/10/VIDEO) worked on #tangnano20k Himbaechel-#gowin. On the picture, just testing the last IVIDEO :)
#apicula #fpga #sipeed
#tangnano20k #GoWin #apicula #fpga #sipeed
The last two tests worked on #tangnano1k, who is GW1NZ-1.
Now to the bath, and then make commits :)
#fpga #gowin #sipeed #apicula
#tangnano1k #fpga #GoWin #sipeed #apicula
I got the same good result with the vendor IDE and Himbaechel-#gowin with GW1NZ-1 using randomly selected pins. My theory is that it could still be power saving, but with dynamic control - so occupying a certain pin I inadvertently spoil the routing. It's very funny and interesting!
#gowin #apicula #fpga #sipeed
The list of goals no longer fits into the screen. Everything works except for #tangnano1k (GW1NZ-1), there seems to be some tricky mechanism here that I don't know about.
Like turning off some parts of the chip in order to save energy, but I would find such bits quickly enough, something a little different here. Intrigue!π
#fpga #gowin #sipeed #apicula
#tangnano1k #fpga #GoWin #sipeed #apicula
Here I am a fool - I did not explicitly connect two of the three IDES16 primitive calibration inputs and could not achieve normal decryption all day!π€£
But in the end we have the final required primitive for the Himbaechel-#gowin architecture working properly!π
#sipeed #apicula #fpga
Himbaechel #gowin found out what OSER16 isπ
I hope to make IDES16 tomorrow and this, by the way, will be the last primitive, after which we can say that Himbaechel-gowin completely repeats the functionality of the generic version of gowin nextpnr.π
#nextpnr #sipeed #apicula
#GoWin #nextpnr #sipeed #apicula
Himbaechel #gowin almost learned how to decode the serial signal using the IDES8 primitive.
Channel 0 is the slow clock, channel 1 is the input.
Why are the 2nd and 3rd channels always 0, you ask?
How glad I am that I remembered one feature before I tore out all the hair on my head - it is natural that in one cell you can place different deserialization primitives, but only one,
#fpga #apicula #sipeed
I know that I promised, but every time I am surprised by the tricky things that work. Himbaechel-gowin has learned to use a differential output, as is usual on the entire line of chips at onceπ
These LEDs are connected back-to-back, without GND, this is a "differential led"π
#fpga #sipeed #gowin #apicula
The massive Himbaechel-gowin backbone is already in decent condition and works on boards from #tangnano GW1N-1 already out of stock to the last one I have #tangprimer20kπ
It remains for me to implement a large piece of IO / IOLOGIC. Unfortunately it won't be photogenic - sort of like this TBUF check on the GW1NZ-1 Himbaechel-gowin. So I won't bother with the same blinking LEDs, but know that work is in full swingπ
#fpga #apicula #sipeed #gowin
#TangNano #tangprimer20k #fpga #apicula #sipeed #GoWin