Tak takúto retardáciu som už dlho nezažil. Uháňa nás #innogy, že im dlžíme platbu za elektrinu a plyn. Zistil som, že som mal nastavený nízky limit v banke na #SIPO, cez ktorý sa mi to strháva. Neva, na doklade od SIPO je predsa QR kód, uhradím to tak. Lenže chyba lávky, júl/červenec je už preč a SIPO sa tým pádom uhradiť NEDÁ 🤦♂️ Ako to, že to musím uhradiť priamo innogy ma neserie, ale hento s tou platbou je iná kravina. Naposledy som takúto botu zažil na Startovači, @sledge by vedel vyprávať...
RT @caulmick: 👀
Paul Murphy bids to quash #Sipo's refusal to investigate complaint against Leo Varadkar
Murphy argues, among other things, the manner in which the Sipo decision was reached was in breach of fair procedures and due process
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/paulmurphy_TD/status/1623381726440443906
Ihr kennt sicher alle @CarloMasala1@twitter.com @claudmajor@twitter.com und @Ce_Moll@twitter.com. Vielleicht kennt ihr aber noch nicht @gloefflmann@twitter.com und @frankstengel@twitter.com? Wenn nicht, dann folgen. Viele kluge Gedanken, knackige Threads und... *Trommelwirbel... GIFs! Also, los. #SiPo #StratStudies #WarStudies #IR
#ir #warstudies #stratstudies #sipo
#matylda #labrador #labradosti #joybrador #labradorretriever #labradorable #brownlabrador #labradorfeature #blacklabrador #labradorchocolate #labradorpuppy #labradorlove #puppies #lovelabrador #labdogs #labrador_pictures #doglovers #labrador_lovers #labradortime #labradorworld #labradorpuppies #labradores #blackbrador #sipo #ceskaposta
#matylda #labrador #labradosti #joybrador #labradorretriever #labradorable #brownlabrador #labradorfeature #blacklabrador #labradorchocolate #labradorpuppy #labradorlove #puppies #lovelabrador #labdogs #labrador_pictures #doglovers #labrador_lovers #labradortime #labradorworld #labradorpuppies #labradores #blackbrador #sipo #ceskaposta
RT @sinnfeinireland: The cosy relationship between millionaire developers & senior politicians is at the heart of why we need strong ethics legislation, but also, for Ministers to adhere to it.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MaryLouMcDonald/status/1617259535516958720
RT @sinnfeinireland: The cosy relationship between millionaire developers & senior politicians is at the heart of why we need strong ethics legislation, but also, for Ministers to adhere to it.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/mattcarthy/status/1617253636001628163
RT @GCraughwell
Hours already spent talking about @Paschald that could be investigated by #SIPO or @gardainfo. But doing that helps avoid real public interest questions on money being squandered. These #SAR contract payments need explaining, but no one jumping up about them. Why?
RT @caulmick: Fine Gael minister Damien English says he complied with #Sipo rules over ownership of residential property
@paulmurphy_TD has, however, made a formal complaint to Sipo alleging the Fine Gael TD for Meath West breached the Ethics in Public Office Act.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/paulmurphy_TD/status/1613440814503366657
RT @arlt_johannes@twitter.com
Sehr wichtige und richtige Initiative.
Wir müssen dann unbedingt auch über die Personalstruktur der @bundeswehrInfo@twitter.com sprechen und wie unser #LoA #Gesamtverteidigung auch in der Personalgewinnung sichergestellt werden kann.
#bundeswehr #sipo
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/arlt_johannes/status/1608056246606696448
#loa #Gesamtverteidigung #bundeswehr #sipo
Guten Morgen #SiPo Bubble, im juristischen Bereich gibt es Datenbanken (Beck-Online, Juris), über die ich Zugriff auf (fast) die gesamte jur. Literatur habe. Gibt es sowas auch im SiPo/IR Bereich? Thx. cc @ClaudMajor@twitter.com @meibauIR@twitter.com @RikeFranke@twitter.com @gloefflmann@twitter.com @drfranksauer@twitter.com @frankstengel@twitter.com
The rte worker wanted to know why SIPO is knowingly allowing the Chief Appeals Officer to continue denying the use of test cases when the evidence is irrefutable that the Social Welfare Appeals Office does use test cases.
(More of this correspondence between #SIPO and the #rte worker over the weekend)
In Dec 2021, Minister Heather Humphreys wrote to the Oireachtas Privileges Committee and vehemently denied the use of test cases. Minster Humphreys further denied that the Minister had 'Clarified' the 'Erroneous Information' denial of 'Test Cases' by the Chief Appeals Officer to the SW Committee. The Minister also denied that #SIPO had ever contacted the Minster or the Chief Appeals Officer about the DECISION that the Chief Appeals Officer had given 'Erroneous Information' to the SW Committee.
On the 22nd of February #SIPO issued the following DECISION.
"At their meeting on 22 January 2021, the Commission considered your complaint and noted that the erroneous information provided by the respondent to the Committee was subsequently clarified by the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection. Having considered your complaint, the Commission is of the view that it does not merit further investigation"
The 'Respondent' referred to is the Chief Appeals Officer.
In December 2019, the Chief Appeals Officer denied the use of test cases by the Social Welfare Appeals Office to the Oireachtas SW Committee investigating #bogusselfemployment.
A complaint was made to #SIPO that the Chief Appeals Officer had deliberately misled the Oireachtas Social Welfare Committee in her denial of 'Test Cases'.
An #rte worker has been in correspondence with #SIPO.
The worker has given me permission to publish the correspondence.
The worker was found to be an employee by the Scope Section. This decision was appealed by rte to the Social Welfare Appeals Office.
The rte worker wrote to the Social Welfare Appeals Office and requested sight of 'Test Cases' used by the Social Welfare Appeals Office.
The Social Welfare Appeals Office thrice denied the existence of 'Test Cases'.
RT @caulmick: If the majority decision is accepted, it means that any Taoiseach in the future can break whatever ethics legislation they want. As long as they say 'we, did it when I was Taoiseach' & #Sipo will say, 'well then, we can't investigate it'
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/paulmurphy_TD/status/1602077315739123714
RT @caulmick: Sipo faces calls to clarify ruling on Varadkar leak inquiry
@paulmurphy_TD called for a statement from the #Sipo chairman, retired judge Garrett Sheehan, after The Irish Times reported on dissenting views within the commission
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/paulmurphy_TD/status/1601280528975794176
Ein immer gefährlicher #Arbeitsplatz für uns alle. Arbeiten im und am Gleis: #sipo und #Gleisbauer.
Nach tödlichem Bahnunfall in Halle: Schwerverletzte außer Lebensgefahr
"In Halle hat es in der Nacht zu Freitag einen Bahnunfall gegeben. Ein Mensch kam bei dem Unglück ums Leben, drei weitere wurden schwer verletzt. Alle gehörten zu einem Bautrupp der Deutschen Bahn."
#RIP #imho Gedenke der Anghörigen der Opfer und Beteiligten
#arbeitsplatz #sipo #gleisbauer #rip #imho
Dear #SiPo and #Miltwitter, the first pioneers of yours are up for exploring the new home for professional discussions and fun. I am already there. Please follow up your pioneers. #PostNews.
RT @frankstengel@twitter.com
Given that @elonmusk@twitter.com is spamming my timeline with himself and other far-right pro-insurrection trolls, I've put myself on the waiting list for http://post.news. If you're interested:
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/frankstengel/status/1594946428685942785