Der Wochenrückblick ist da: Kalenderwoche 2023-32. Heute mit #3DPrinting, #Pixelix, #Bikerouter, #ChatGPT und #GitHub #Copilot, #HomeAssistant, #Sudoku, #sips (/cc @haentz), #Codepoint, #Stromausfall und #USV (/cc @unixtippse), #Techno und etwas #Hugo Meta.
Hoffentlich frei von Rechtschreibfehlern hier zu finden:
#hugo #techno #usv #stromausfall #codepoint #sips #sudoku #homeassistant #copilot #github #chatgpt #bikerouter #pixelix #3dprinting
Whats this? An episode slightly off schedule?
Today @sarah_sauve and @will_ngiam discuss going to #SIPS soon (tomorrow, actually) and the invisible workload of open science:
Have you gone to an @improvingpsych conference?
Did you create something as a result of that attendance?
Is it listed here yet?
If not, let me know and we can get it added! #SIPS #OpenScience #ImprovingPsych #Psychology
#psychology #improvingpsych #OpenScience #sips
Für alle Leute, die vor einem #Mac sitzen: es gibt mit sips ein Bordwerkzeug, dass vielfältige Grafikaufgaben erledigen kann. Ich habe vor Jahren mal versucht, eine "unlangweilige" Einführung zu schreiben:
#mac #FediLZ #sips #cli #tools
I'm back posting my experience using structural insulated panels and their effective "Ark" like properties from natural disasters like earthquakes and storms. I've used Premier SIPS and would never go back to stick building. #PremierSIPs #SIPs #Ark
@mick @mcaleerp You don’t need any type of expertise to go to #SIPS! It’s the best conference. Few talks, just workshops, hackathons, and unconferences (like brainstorming sessions) on topics like stats, data doc, publishing, teaching, EDI issues, lab manuals, developing collaborations, etc. Plus free sessions to organise ideas that develop during the conference, so you could propose rodent electrophysiology! Check out the 2019 programme (the last big in-person one).
@cnsyoung @cconrymurray @jennawneal I've wondered about this too, and am seeing the same norm that Crystal mentions. I wonder if a hashtag (#SIPS or #SocDev) would better keep with mastodon norms, but still allow people to follow organization or journal-specific content.
தண்ணீருக்கு பதிலாக கிருமிநாசினியை குடித்த மும்பை மாநகராட்சி இணை ஆணையர்…! #mumbai #BMC #officer #sips #sanitiser
#sanitiser #sips #Officer #bmc #mumbai