I just registered for #SIPS2023 in Padova (@improvingpsych)!
I hope to catch up with many of my open science colleagues in psychology and tell you about my attempts to bring the credibility revolution to development -- and maybe persuade you to attend #SIPS2024, which my organization is hosting in Nairobi!
In case you missed it: my organization (the Busara Center) is hosting #SIPS2024 in Nairobi @improvingpsych !
We specialize in applied behavioral science in the Global South.
The theme of this conference will be bridgebuilding. I'm personally excited to bridge the metascience and development worlds.
See you in Nairobi!
RT @FORRTproject@twitter.com
The amazing @improvingpsych@twitter.com will have its annual conference in Nairobi, Kenya! This is a great step towards the inclusion of disenfranchised folks and regions. Thank you, organizers! Thank you so much!
#SIPS2024 is going to be the best one yet!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/FORRTproject/status/1599818267878531074
I'm so excited that the next @improvingpsych conference is going to be in Kenya! The host is Busara, one of the first behavioral science research institutes in the Global South and a recent recipient of a $2.5 million MacKenzie Scott grant. I'm looking forward to the opportunity to expand my understanding of how science is done in a variety of settings, including in the non-profit space.
#science #sips2024 #OpenScience