Celebrate with us! 🥳 You can now binge all THREE of our Sherlock Holmes adventures in one convenient place! https://linktr.ee/madisonontheair
#OldTimeRadio #audiofiction #audiodrama #fictionpodcast #sherlockholmes #sirarthurconandoyle
#oldtimeradio #AudioFiction #audiodrama #fictionpodcast #sherlockholmes #sirarthurconandoyle
Tipping my hat to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle &
Dr. Watson for teaching me a new word today- fortalice - from the Latin, fortalitia -a small fortification or outwork of a fort. And now I want one.
(Valley of Fear)
#words #SirArthurConanDoyle #sherlockholmes
#sherlockholmes #sirarthurconandoyle #words
MAY 19th, 1923, Harry Houdini announces in a radio interview that friend Sir Arthur Conan Doyle has been duped by "tricksters and fraudsters" for his beliefs in the supernatural. https://linktr.ee/madisonontheair
#audiodrama #audiofiction #fictionpodcast #madisonontheair #sherlockholmes #sirarthurconandoyle
#audiodrama #AudioFiction #fictionpodcast #madisonontheair #sherlockholmes #sirarthurconandoyle
#ThingsToWatch #BBC #SirArthurConanDoyle #TheLostWorld
I thought this was very good for it's year. Well-acted, no idea if it followed the book carefully, I didn't care, anyway. I really liked it. 2002 Bob Hoskins, Peter Falk, James Fox
#thingstowatch #bbc #sirarthurconandoyle #thelostworld
"audible" Hörbuch-Charts: "Jung bleiben ist Kopfsache" auf Platz 3 https://www.lesering.de/id/4909196/audible-Horbuch-Charts-Jung-bleiben-ist-Kopfsache-auf-Platz-3/ #Prof.Dr.med.BerndKleine-Gunk #JungbleibenistKopfsache #SirArthurConanDoyle #SherlockHolmes-Box #Bestseller #Hörbuch #Audible #Charts #Charts
#charts #audible #horbuch #bestseller #sherlockholmes #sirarthurconandoyle #jungbleibenistkopfsache #prof
#ThickTrunkTuesday presents:
A thick trunked tree (stump), complete with an array of bracket fungus.
Not just any ol' stump though, oh no, this was photographed at the then derelict Undershaw House, former home of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
#Undershaw #AbandonedBuildings #SirArthurConanDoyle #SherlockHolmes #DerelictionOfBeauty #TreeStump #BracketFungus
#thicktrunktuesday #undershaw #abandonedbuildings #sirarthurconandoyle #sherlockholmes #derelictionofbeauty #treestump #bracketfungus
The #UnsolvedCase of a #Fake #Human #Fossil
#PiltdownMan #Hoax #PiltdownHoax #PiltdownManHoax #HumanOrigins #Fossils #FossilBones #HumanFossil #HumanFossils #Paleontology #Dawson #CharlesDawson #ArthurConanDoyle #ConanDoyle #SirArthurConanDoyle #DNA #MikeOldfield #TubularBells
#TubularBells #MikeOldfield #dna #sirarthurconandoyle #conandoyle #arthurconandoyle #charlesdawson #dawson #paleontology #humanfossils #humanfossil #fossilbones #fossils #humanorigins #piltdownmanhoax #piltdownhoax #hoax #piltdownman #fossil #human #fake #unsolvedcase
Now that the songs of Tom Lehrer and the Sherlock Holmes stories are both free of copyright, will we be seeing crossovers such as The Case of the Poisoned Pigeon?
#TomLehrer #SherlockHolmes #SirArthurConanDoyle #PublicDomain #bookstodon
#sherlockholmes #sirarthurconandoyle #publicdomain #bookstodon #tomlehrer
#NeilGaiman #TerryPratchett #SusanHill #SuzanneCollins #PhilipPullman #SirArthurConanDoyle #CharlesDickens #ChristopherMoore #RansomRiggs #ElizabethGilbert
#neilgaiman #terrypratchett #susanhill #suzannecollins #philippullman #sirarthurconandoyle #charlesdickens #christophermoore #ransomriggs #elizabethgilbert
#dianagabaldon #TerryPrachett #neilgaiman #JrrTolkein #garthnix #richardarmitage #laurakinsale #hollyblack #VictoriaAveyard #leighbardugo #susannakearsley #agathachristie #SirArthurConanDoyle #davidhewson #sarahjmaas
#georgesdenning #warlockholmes
… some of my favorite authors if anyone wants to chat 📖🎧
#warlockholmes #georgesdenning #sarahjmaas #davidhewson #sirarthurconandoyle #agathachristie #susannakearsley #leighbardugo #victoriaaveyard #hollyblack #laurakinsale #richardarmitage #GarthNix #JrrTolkein #neilgaiman #TerryPrachett #dianagabaldon
#AnnaKatharineRohlfs wurde am 11. 11. 1846 in Brooklyn als Anne Catharine Green geboren. Sie war eine US-amerikanische Schriftstellerin von viktorianischen Kriminalromanen. Sie veröffentlichte ihre Erzählungen unter dem Namen als Anna Katharine Green und gilt als die „Mutter der Detektivgeschichten“ und die bedeutendste Vertreterin des Genres zwischen #EdgarAllanPoe und #SirArthurConanDoyle.
#annakatharinerohlfs #EdgarAllanPoe #sirarthurconandoyle
Some other interests of mine
#dungeonsanddragons #ttrpg #2000ad #MrMoto #Hammerhorror #60sbritishmovies #alfredhitchcock #akirakurosowa #margaretrutherford #johnbuchan #sirarthurconandoyle #homebrew