So once again, #SiriEpicFail Apple tells me on my Apple Watch when searching for my iPad, my iPad know someone else’s that I can’t search nearby, but I could use the Find My app and it shows me a search for Find My on the App Store and it shows me a third-party app that has in app purchases that I can actually find my iPad instead of actually finding my iPad, so what good is find my if it doesn’t work on my Apple Watch. #AppleEpicFail.
Remember when you used to be able to find devices using HomePod no longer
Siri wouldn’t even do it on my phone for someone I was family sharing with
Just call their number like you used to do before there was anything like find me because #AppleSupport #AppleNoLongerJustWorks
#SiriEpicFail #WhereDoYouWantToGoHowAboutSomewhereSiriUnderstands
#applesupport #applenolongerjustworks #siriepicfail #wheredoyouwanttogohowaboutsomewheresiriunderstands