Lethe · @lethe
61 followers · 511 posts · Server fandom.ink

It's 2022 and I still miss a semantic HTML tag for list titles. 😢


Last updated 2 years ago

Lethe · @lethe
61 followers · 511 posts · Server fandom.ink

I write three paragraphs for the About page and already it seems like a loss to blog in English, omfg. Lovely German expressions:

Herzstück: lit. "heartpiece", centerpiece

Auffangbecken: catch basin (this word exists in English, I just never see it lol)

unfrisierte Gedanken: lit. "uncoiffed thoughts", unpolished thoughts


Last updated 2 years ago

Lethe · @lethe
61 followers · 511 posts · Server fandom.ink

I need more free time to reconstruct my oTCG archive tbh; my easyTCG set-up died sometime in the last years between moving hosts or so.

There's no practical purpose behind fixing it, but it pains me to see the last four oTCGs I was ever part of, one of which was among my favourite, not properly archived. And oTCGs were one of the biggest steady things in my online life, and were the one thing that ensured that I kept making sites.


Last updated 2 years ago

Lethe · @lethe
61 followers · 492 posts · Server fandom.ink

Think I'll go with a Wordpress companion blog to my manga sites (it's overdue anyway), and perhaps at some point in the future a Dreamwidth account for gaming. :|a

And I'll buy and customize a WP theme rather than design my own, because any free time I actually have for making layouts, I'd rather invest in designing shrines. Plus there's a different sort of enjoyment that comes from using a nice theme, like spending time in a hotel room rather than your own home.


Last updated 2 years ago

Lethe · @lethe
61 followers · 492 posts · Server fandom.ink

Awful: hitting the right mood to commit to site-making at midnight, and getting hungry at the same time – the two things guaranteed to keep me from falling asleep. 😱

I think the most productive I've been with all year was when I had over a week off and could just ignore the day/night cycle and work on sites like a maniac until I passed out from exhaustion.


Last updated 2 years ago

Lethe · @lethe
51 followers · 377 posts · Server fandom.ink

Obsessed with the way @bloodwrites used anchor links in her new shrine so that the navigation links take you directly to the content of the page, skipping the header. Have this tingling in my fingers to go apply that retroactively to page-leafing links on my that are both long and have a big header.

See, that's exactly why I love seeing new people and people from different fandoms/communities/parts of the internet make sites and share them with each other: fresh elements.

#shrines #sitestuff

Last updated 2 years ago

Lethe · @lethe
47 followers · 367 posts · Server fandom.ink

they act as a personal archive of things read... and may thus incite one to read more (personal collection/stash)?

This is all just to say, I am tempted to set up more fic rec pages in the future. Separate pages may be more or less appealing than a central fic rec hub depending on whether or not I want to fool around with graphics/coding for specific subjects. Since they'd be pages with ongoing additions, they'd also make for relaxing side projects (similar to fanlistings).


Last updated 2 years ago

Lethe · @lethe
47 followers · 366 posts · Server fandom.ink

I love AO3, but I don't enjoy going through my AO3 bookmarks because they're such a mess. I assume I could organize them, but I'd naturally still be confined to the structure and layout of the site itself.

In contrast, the biggest freedom of personal sites has imo always been the self-determined structure. With fic rec/bookmark lists specifically, it's how you separate, order, tag and mark things that makes it personal (and fun). Not to mention that especially with comments,


Last updated 2 years ago