Avispa Mídia · @AvispaMidia
789 followers · 1131 posts · Server mastodon.social

"Bloqueo contra granja de cerdos en Sitilpech es legítimo; juez ordena alto a violencia contra manifestantes"

Un operativo policíaco violentó a habitantes de Sitilpech, quienes rechazan la reanudación de una mega granja de cerdos.

👉 avispa.org/?p=93500 🐝

#maya #resistencia #protesta #conagua #asamblea #bloqueo #amparo #fueragranja #fabrica #mexico #yucatan #keken #sitilpech #izamal #fuerakeken #sitilpechlibre #sitilpechresiste #fuerzasitilpech #defensadelterritorio #homun

Last updated 2 years ago

Scott Campbell · @susurros
374 followers · 488 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Yesterday at 3am, in the Indigenous Maya community of Sitilpech, Yucatán, riot police attacked the community's 10-day-long encampment and blockade of a factory farm with 50,000 pigs.

Sitilpech has been fighting the factory farm since 2021, as it has damaged the community's environment, water, air, health, territory, and autonomy.


#sitilpech #yucatan #mexico #indigenous #environment

Last updated 2 years ago