It looks like the world is heading towards a great #depression.
The #economy is already in decline in #China #Russia #Belarus
The boycott of these #dictatorships is having effect on their respective economies!
The #CCP and #Xi is stealing money from the peoples #health insurance and #pension funds
Watch this;
#dictators #XiJinPing #Putin #Lukashenko should be brought down! #revolution is imminent
#depression #economy #china #russia #belarus #dictatorships #ccp #xi #health #pension #dictators #xijinping #putin #lukashenko #revolution #tiananmen #sitong #beijing #moscow #Ukraine
This is the distraction game used by #politicians and in this case #dictators to lead away the attention of the people to other things.
In this case its #dictator #Xi #Xijinping of the #CCP #dictatorship #China planning to go to #war with #Taiwan to lead away the attention of the #COVID #tsunami and economic unrest in the country.
#PLA #Taiwan #HongKong #Tiananmen #Tibet #India #FalunGong #Uighurs #organtrafficking #SiTong #Foxconn #Apple #celebrities #Lanlan #Kang
#politicians #dictators #dictator #xi #xijinping #ccp #dictatorship #china #war #Taiwan #covid #tsunami #pla #hongkong #tiananmen #Tibet #India #falungong #uighurs #organtrafficking #sitong #foxconn #apple #celebrities #lanlan #kang
Get educated on the Chinese Communist Party and its #evil past till now.
Hundreds of millions were killed by the #CCP #China
#Tiananmen #HonKong #Taiwan #Tibet #India #whitepaper #SiTong #Xi #Xijinping
#evil #ccp #china #tiananmen #honkong #Taiwan #Tibet #India #whitepaper #sitong #xi #xijinping
#Dictatorship #Xi #Xijinping #CCP #China wants worldwide #censorship
This is their next step
#Tiananmen #SiTong #HongKong #Taiwan #Tibet #students #Putin #Ukraine #Russia
Oppose #Beijing everyway possible.
#dictatorship #xi #xijinping #ccp #china #censorship #tiananmen #sitong #hongkong #Taiwan #Tibet #students #putin #Ukraine #russia #beijing
Le congrès du PCC octroie les pleins pouvoirs à Xi
Le 13 octobre, sur le pont Sitong du périphérique de Pékin, deux grandes banderoles sont déployées. Pour quelques minutes seulement, l’opposant Peng Lifa y défend ce que de nombreux Chinois pensent.
Assez de test PCR, nous voulons des moyens de subsistance ; a
#Chine #congrès #COVID-19 #impérialisme #PCC #Sitong #SunLijun #Taïwan #XiJinping
#xijinping #taiwan #SunLijun #sitong #pcc #imperialisme #COVID #congres #chine
This is what is really happening in the #dictatorship #CCP #China big protests against the policies of #Xi #Xijinping
#Tiananmen #Sitong #HongKong #Tibet #humanrights #students
#dictatorship #ccp #china #xi #xijinping #tiananmen #sitong #hongkong #Tibet #HumanRights #students
The #dictator #Xi #Xijinping and #censorship #China The #CCP have initiated the highest “emergency response” level of censorship, according to leaked directives, including a crackdown on VPNs and other methods of bypassing online censorship after unprecedented protests demonstrated widespread public frustration with the zero- #Covid policy.
COVID is used to put a stranglehold on the Chinese society
These tags to make clear what China is doing.
#Tiananmen #SiTong #PLA #Taiwan #humanrights #Tibet #HongKong
#dictator #xi #xijinping #censorship #china #ccp #covid #tiananmen #sitong #pla #Taiwan #HumanRights #Tibet #hongkong