As a full-time sitter, I don’t have a permanent place of residence. I have some stuff in a locker space and I live out of a suitcase as I travel within Australia. So this month I am in Victoria, but next month I will be in South Australia. My biggest fear in this nomad existence was, “What if I had a medical emergency?” Well, I found out ‘what if’!
#pets #petsitter #housesitter #sitter #travel #australia #pet #Cats #CatsOfMastodon #dogsofmastodon
#pets #petsitter #housesitter #sitter #travel #australia #pet #cats #catsofmastodon #dogsofmastodon
#portrait #painting of Herwarth Walden by Robert Delauny, 1923.
The #painter
#RobertDelaunay was a French painter (1885-1941), who started as a self-taught #artist in the style of Neo-#Impressionism, and later developed his own style in Orphic #Cubism, also known as #Orphism
The #sitter:
#HerwarthWalden was a German #writer and #gallerist (1878 - 1941) and important supporter of the German avant-garde, including #Expressionism, #Futurism, #Dadaism #NewObjectivity.
#art #portraitcommunity #newobjectivity #dadaism #futurism #expressionism #gallerist #writer #herwarthwalden #sitter #orphism #cubism #impressionism #artist #robertdelaunay #painter #painting #portrait
Sittin' Pretty: PT 1
Their middle and oldest could be twins, except that Nicole, the oldest, is taller and more developed in some areas at 12. Where as Maddie, the middle, is a bit shorter, and she has her fathers evergreen eyes. Both are just as cute as their baby sister, and I do like being around them. But I will always remember the movie night. Maddie and Nicole were dressed for bed in oversized shirts, and sat in such a was I could see a pair of tight panties.
#loli #Sitter #Cunny_Cult
Sittin' Pretty: PT 1
Recently I was let go from my job. It's been a bit hard, but to help my buddy asked me to watch his 3 little girls. I've met them before and they are all adorable. his youngest is 3 her name is Amber. With all her mothers looks, some curls in her auburn hair like her sisters, cute dimples when she smiles, and hazel eyes. The three of them are clearly sisters, except for age and a few little points.
#loli #Sitter #Cunny_Cult
Sittin' Pretty: PT 1
Vigevano, dog sitter morsa al volto da pitbull: 30 giorni di prognosi - Cronaca - #vigevano #sitter #morsa #volto #pitbull #prognosi #cronaca #ilgiornoit #17agosto
#17agosto #ilgiornoit #cronaca #prognosi #pitbull #volto #morsa #sitter #vigevano
Confessa Monica Santi, la baby sitter del bimbo precipitato a Soliera #confessa #monica #santi #baby #sitter #bimbo #precipitato #soliera #3giugno
#3giugno #Soliera #precipitato #bimbo #sitter #baby #santi #monica #confessa
Bimbo caduto a Modena, la baby sitter disse: `Adesso è libero` - Cronaca - #bimbo #caduto #modena #baby #sitter #disse #libero #cronaca #ilrestodelcarlinoit #2giugno
#2giugno #ilrestodelcarlinoit #cronaca #libero #disse #sitter #baby #modena #caduto #bimbo
Coppia gira il mondo come pet sitter in cambio di alloggio gratuito: `Amiamo i viaggi e gli animali` - #coppia #gira #mondo #sitter #cambio #alloggio #gratuito #amiamo #viaggi #animali #curioctopusit
#curioctopusit #animali #viaggi #amiamo #GRATUITO #Alloggio #cambio #sitter #mondo #Gira #coppia