“This advertisement for Eumig cameras (summer 1967) evokes with great accuracy the glaciation of individual life inverted in the spectacular perspective: the present surrenders to being immediately lived as memory. Through this spacialization of time, which submits to the illusory order of a permanently accessible present, time and life are lost together.”
#Situationist #SituationistInternational #Situ #Debord #Vaneigem
#situationist #situationistinternational #situ #debord #vaneigem
“Max Stirner was not wrong to say that all moralists have slept in the bed of religion...”
From the SI's critique of Louis Janover of the journal Front Noir. Internationale Situationniste #11 (October 1967).
#Stirner #egoism #situationist #situ #debord #morality