Back to work.
About half of the new Six Car Collision record is done. Just got vocal & guitar overdubs & a few mixes to do, & we should be good to send it off to get mastered.
I’ve accidentally made a very dissonant & noisy (but still very catchy) 80’s synth record.
If that’s your thing, I think some of you might enjoy this one.
It’s called From Scratch, and the cover is also below.
#recording #recordingstudio #indie #indierock #alternative #noisepop #noise #alternative #SixCarCollision
#recording #recordingstudio #indie #indierock #alternative #noisepop #noise #sixcarcollision
Round 1 of #guitar overdubs complete.
Be careful, Milo.
That thing is still smokin. 😝
#guitars #recording #recordingstudio #studiotime #fenderjaguar #FenderGuitars
#SixCarCollision #newalbum
#guitar #guitars #recording #recordingstudio #studiotime #fenderjaguar #fenderguitars #sixcarcollision #newalbum