W tym tygodniu zresztą udało mi się oddać trzy dłuższe teksty. Chociażby opisałem swoje wrażenia z Early Access gry Six Days in Fallujah, ultrarralistycznego FPSa.
#pograne #giereczkowo #gry #sixdaysinfallujah
Czy Six Days in Fallujah to dobra propozycja dla fanów ARMA i Squad? Odpowiedź znajdziecie w naszym materiale! 😊
#sixdaysinfallujah #giereczkowo #gry #pograne
Avui he jugat al #SixDaysInFallujah
per primer cop i m'ha semblat un #Joc impressionant. Molt realista i difícil, però impressionant.
#Gaming #joc #sixdaysinfallujah
PCGamer just weirds me out at this point. They are reviewing the early access version of fhe notoriously controversial game Six Days in Fallujah and praise most of it in the article, while criticizing the low ammount of current content: six or four (it's unclear from the article) coop missions against faceless terrorists, without the promised nuance.
It's really a shame to see #Sixdaysinfallujah finally coming out. The trailer makes it pretty clear that the game makers failed to research what actually happened in #Fallujah, so they just put out a game based on DOD propaganda from 2004.
Six Days in Fallujah, annunciata la data di uscita in accesso anticipato
#highwiregames #sixdaysinfallujah #victura