Hello! It occurs to me I haven't actually made an #introduction / #introductions / #interests post yet, so now is as good a time as any.
My name is WhenGryphonsFly! I'm a computer programmer with an interest in #ElectoralReform, such as #ProportionalRepresentation, #STARVoting, and #UncapTheHouse. I am also interested in #CopyrightReform, such as reduction of term lengths (20 years or less), expansion of fair use (particularly in regards to derivative works), and expansion of compulsory licensing (for everything, basically). Some of my other interests include #FuckCars, #FourDayWorkWeek and #SixHourWorkDay, #Corvid (especially #BlueJay), #ProgrammingLanguage design (I'm making my own!), #GameBoyAdvance, #Pokemon, and #TwinPrimes.
I mostly lurk and boost, as my social anxiety unfortunately extends to social media. Still, I'm glad to be here!
* Note: while my stance on copyright in general might imply I support Copilot, Stable Diffusion, etc.; I emphatically do not.
#introduction #introductions #interests #electoralreform #proportionalrepresentation #starvoting #uncapthehouse #copyrightreform #fuckcars #fourdayworkweek #sixhourworkday #corvid #bluejay #programminglanguage #gameboyadvance #pokemon #twinprimes