Social #scale will continue to produce #exponential #exogenous phenomena ... Do try to keep your #shit, together; it's gonna be a bumpy ride. Scaling #society sure is tricky #business
#ClimateChange #ww3 #SixthMassExtinction #ExistentialGap #evolution #MentalIllness #Drugs #Addiction #karma
#scale #exponential #exogenous #shit #society #business #climatechange #ww3 #sixthmassextinction #existentialgap #evolution #MentalIllness #drugs #addiction #karma
Hey billionaires, the apocalypse ain’t gonna be what you think. Can’t hunker down and escape this. You can try, but you will fail.
Somehow I don’t think megayachts will be much fun once the ocean feels like a slimy hot tub packed with the corpses of every fish known to man.
The water is over 101°F in the Florida Keys right now but hey, it’s only coral reefs. They can’t scream.
Let’s go shopping.
#ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #SixthMassExtinction #OutOfTime
#climatechange #climatecrisis #sixthmassextinction #OutOfTime
Five jaw-dropping graphics...
#ClimateCrisis #sixthmassextinction
I got the blues
Oh those #sixthMassExtinction blues
I got the blues
Oh those #climateCrisis blues
I got the blues
Oh those #warInEurope blues
I got the blues
Oh those #riseOfFascism blues
#sixthmassextinction #climatecrisis #warineurope #riseoffascism
#BlueWhale Study observes 'quite thin' animals as warming #ocean puts pressure on food source #SixthMassExtinction #ManifestationPourLeClimat #ClimateStrike #FossilFuelTreaty #StopTheMoneyPipeline #JustTransition #Climate #ActOnClimate #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #Biodiversity #BiodiversityCrisis #BiodiversityEmergency #TomorrowIsTooLate
#bluewhale #ocean #sixthmassextinction #manifestationpourleclimat #climatestrike #fossilfueltreaty #stopthemoneypipeline #justtransition #climate #actonclimate #climatecrisis #climateemergency #biodiversity #biodiversitycrisis #biodiversityemergency #tomorrowistoolate
Anthropocene ' #SixthMassExtinction ' event predicted to be worse than previously thought #ManifestationPourLeClimat #ClimateStrike #FossilFuelTreaty #StopTheMoneyPipeline #JustTransition #Climate #ActOnClimate #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #Biodiversity #BiodiversityCrisis #BiodiversityEmergency #TomorrowIsTooLate
#sixthmassextinction #manifestationpourleclimat #climatestrike #fossilfueltreaty #stopthemoneypipeline #justtransition #climate #actonclimate #climatecrisis #climateemergency #biodiversity #biodiversitycrisis #biodiversityemergency #tomorrowistoolate
Went for a walk this morning and I saw only two insects (this little one and a pill bug crossing the sidewalk). I’m in a city in northern Portugal. There were so many blooms but where are the bees? #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #ClimateDisruption #SixthMassExtinction #Insect #FridaysForFuture #Bee
#bee #FridaysForFuture #insect #sixthmassextinction #climatedisruption #ClimateEmergency #ClimateCrisis
Last Chance to See is a 1989 BBC radio documentary series and its accompanying book, written and presented by Douglas Adams and Mark Carwardine. In the series, Adams and Carwardine travel to various locations in the hope of encountering species on the brink of extinction. The book was published in 1990.
In 2009, the BBC broadcast a television follow-up series of the same name, with Stephen Fry replacing the late Adams.
# vegan #speciesism #veganism #ClimateChange #sixthmassextinction
The Role of Scientists in the Debate About Animal Welfare.
#speciesism #veganism #ClimateChange #sixthmassextinction
The end in any possible way.
#ClimateChange #sixthmassextinction #Barbarism #religion #speciesism #racism #nationalism #fascism ...
#ClimateChange #sixthmassextinction #barbarism #religion #speciesism #racism #nationalism #fascism
A Sunday meditation:
"The River"
A Deep Ecology Poem
#DeepEcology #poem #poetry #nature #SixthMassExtinction #CrashCourse
#deepecology #poem #poetry #nature #sixthmassextinction #crashcourse
The only place we know we can live in. (the only place we can call home). #home #ClimateChange #sixthmassextinction
#home #ClimateChange #sixthmassextinction
The only place we know we can live in. (the only place we can call home). #home #ClimateChange #sixthmassextinction
#home #ClimateChange #sixthmassextinction
Sylvia Earle, Oceanographer
Thoughts on how humans act in the environment:
"...we have this attitude: ‘What good are they? Can I eat it? Can I sell it? If I can’t, it’s just something to crush.’ Unless you’re a three-year-old kid! A little kid is curious and has an empathy for life … We teach them to kill. We teach them it’s OK. In fact, we encourage it. We have become a species that is just superb at killing."
@AdrianBowyer @RichardDawkins
An even better idea for getting both PR and return to Europe …not to mention the urgent response & actions we need to avert #ClimateChaos - #voteGreen !
#ClimateChange #ElephantInTheRoom
.…if there is anybody left!
#SixthMassExtinction - we are not exempt.
#sixthmassextinction #wewillallbegreenoneday #ElephantInTheRoom #climatechange #votegreen #climatechaos
Humans and nature: The distance is growing -- ScienceDaily
‘The idea that #humans are facing a #global #extinction of experience of #nature is popular’
The reality, when the consequences unfold will be very unpopular.
#BiodiversityCrisis #ClimateChaos #ClimateEmergency
#SixthMassExtinction #SleepWalking
#sleepwalking #sixthmassextinction #climateemergency #climatechaos #BiodiversityCrisis #speciesextinction #nature #extinction #global #humans
...Logging, invasive species, exploitation of natural resources and climate breakdown are the other main threats. Globally, 49% of bird species are declining, one in eight are threatened with extinction and at least 187 species are confirmed or suspected to have gone extinct since 1500. More Than Half of U.S. Bird Populations Are Shrinking. An alarming report indicates that dozens of species are likely to become federally endangered without preventive action. #atrocities #birds #sixthmassextinction
Dead birds on display to raise awareness about dangers of glass buildings.
#atrocities #birds #sixthmassextinction
Nail. Head.
What is your answer to the question in paragraph two?
#ClimateCrisis #sixthmassextinction
Utterly lacking in ambition and any sense of urgency...
#ClimateCrisis #sixthmassextinction