Fanfalla :fennec_fox: · @Fanfalla
47 followers · 572 posts · Server

I was looking at the desk at my irl job and was thinking about how it would be funny/cute if @taco was walking across my desk and tripped on the aux cable (that lets me play Spotify at the shop) and I would catch them and gingerly hold them in my hand for a while to pet and give kisses to. 💜

#sizedifference #micro #sizeplay #sizeplayshenanigans #furry

Last updated 1 year ago

Raxinath · @Raxinath
18 followers · 57 posts · Server

I should start posting some things I’ve got in the backlog, which also works as a good showcase of what I’m all about

Size shenanigans are my thing and if you like dragons big, small, swole or chonky with a side of adorkable musings then you’ve come to the right place! Glad to have you here! Admission’s paid in pats and steps

#SizeFiend #SizeShenanigans #sizeplayshenanigans #sizechange #sizeart #manedwolf #dragon #wide #shortstack #muscle #micro #macro #size_difference #sizeplay

Last updated 2 years ago

Kitana Yorino (従野きたな) · @kitana
196 followers · 2548 posts · Server

Kitana ( ) 's splash on the scene is making waves with the locals. She might be winging it but this megavixen is fixin' to blow you away - so hang ten (or 10,000) - cos a Kitunsami is coming your way in this sticker by

#macromonday #sizeplayshenanigans

Last updated 6 years ago