Exciting news! Councilmember Omar Torres’ of #SanJose D3 is going to join us for #SJTransitHappyHour! We’re looking forward to seeing him (and you 👀) on the 28th!
#sanjose #sjtransithappyhour #publictransit #vta
I hope everyone is enjoying showing their love for #PublicTransit this month! As we get closer to the date, I'm getting more excited about the event I'll be co-hosting for Transit Month: Transit Happy Hour!
We'll be discussing how transit reduces drunk driving. Voice for Public Transit just published a blog post about exactly what we'll be discussing. Did you know that traveling by public transportation is *10 times safer* per mile than traveling by automobile?
#FuckCars #SanJose #SJTransitHappyHour #publictransportation
#publictransit #fuckcars #sanjose #sjtransithappyhour #publictransportation
We have a poster for the #SJTransitHappyHour 🎉 #PublicTransit
#sjtransithappyhour #publictransit