A great Central Valley writer whose phenomenal book on how Tulare Lake was drained is of course Mark Arax. The King of California, co-authored with Rick Wartzman, tells how Boswell drained Tulare Lake to grow cotton and was part of shaping the over-extractive agricultural culture that persists in California's valley today: https://www.publicaffairsbooks.com/titles/mark-arax/the-king-of-california/9780786752799/
#SJVwater #KingofCalifornia #MarkArax #book #books #bookrecommendations #agriculture #farming #SanJoaquin #CentralValley #TulareLake #weather #california #flood #atmosphericriver #history #agribusiness #storm #tularecounty #WaterPolitics @bookstadon
#sjvwater #kingofcalifornia #markarax #book #books #bookrecommendations #agriculture #farming #sanjoaquin #centralvalley #tularelake #weather #california #flood #atmosphericriver #history #agribusiness #storm #tularecounty #waterpolitics
Anyone interested in the sudden reappearance Tulare Lake, the rising and falling enormous freshwater lake that used to cover a large section of the Central Valley before it was drained and turned into farmland, which sustained thousands of Native Californians, and and which came back this winter (woohoo!), you might want to check out this book about drought, flood, and the history of the San Joaquin river before dams and draining: https://www.google.com/books/edition/The_Heart_of_California/OR39DwAAQBAJ?hl=en
#AtmosphericRiver #TulareLake #SanJoaquin #SJVWater #flood #lake #California #storm #history #book #books #bookrecommendation #travel #narrative #story #weather #lake @bookstadon
#atmosphericriver #tularelake #sanjoaquin #sjvwater #flood #lake #california #storm #history #book #books #bookrecommendation #travel #narrative #story #weather