I'm thinking it must be regional. I'm in the prairies and have never heard of it.
Saskatchewan has - or had - an unusual local expression which I don't think was ever used outside the province. What are commonly called "hoodies" in many places were, for reasons unknown to me, universally known as "bunnyhugs" here. I think it's less common now, but still known.
#weird #sk #Saskatchewan #regionalism
On näköjään silakkatilanne päällä kun #MarineStewardshipCouncil ottaa koko aukeaman mainoksen #SK :ssä. #Kalastus #Politiikka #Mielipidevaikuttaminen
#mielipidevaikuttaminen #politiikka #kalastus #sk #marinestewardshipcouncil
https://www.wacoca.com/anime/1399567/ 【P4G】ゲーム実況【ペルソナ4 ザ・ゴールデン】 初見#7 sk-y #DbD #deadbydaylight #P4G #pc #sk-y #sk-ygaming #sk-yナース #キラーランク1 #ゴールデン #スカイゲーミング #スカイナース #デッドバイデイライト #デドバイ #デトバイナース #ナース #ブリンクアタック #プロナース #ペルソナ4ザ・ゴールデン #ペルソナ実況 #ホラーゲーム #上手いナース #世界1 #世界ランカーナース #世界一 #強ナース #赤1ナース #赤帯
#dbd #deadbydaylight #p4g #pc #sk #キラーランク1 #ゴールデン #スカイゲーミング #スカイナース #デッドバイデイライト #デドバイ #デトバイナース #ナース #ブリンクアタック #プロナース #ペルソナ4ザ・ゴールデン #ペルソナ実況 #ホラーゲーム #上手いナース #世界1 #世界ランカーナース #世界一 #強ナース #赤1ナース #赤帯
We received our new #Green #Bin this week, for the City of #Regina's new #municipal #composting program. Hey, only 20 years behind the small town my parents lived in back then, not too bad.
Also with the bin, you get a plastic bucket with a tight-fitting lid and a handle, to use in your house for #kitchen #waste, so you can "save up" scraps and not have to run out to the bin after every meal prep etc.
So far, not so bad.
#green #bin #regina #Municipal #composting #kitchen #waste #cityofregina #sk #Saskatchewan #recycling #compost
Brian N5HL #SK
Not someone I knew, but just ran across this while watching a local club meeting. Looks like complications from Covid. Leaves behind 4 kids.
Fundraising for his family is happening here. Just wanted to throw this into the Fediverse since I know what losing a parent is like.
„Details of the #SK #hynix product are few, with the company only saying [ #HBM3E ] can process data up to 1.15 terabytes(TB) a second, which is equivalent to processing more than 230 full-HD movies of 5GB-size each in a second. #Micron announced a more than 1.2TBps HBM3 gen 2 product last month, suggesting that SK hynix has work to do.“
#DRAM, that's fast: SK hynix reaches for HBM3E sky – Blocks and Files https://blocksandfiles.com/2023/08/21/sk-hynix-reaching-for-the-hbm3e-sky/
#sk #hynix #hbm3e #micron #dram
RT @golem: Mobilfunk: Die Revolution mit #5G blieb aus #SK #Telecom https://t.co/842M7NYIGZ
R.I.P Tokitae 💙 no amount of words can express how heartbreaking and frustrating this is that she didn't make it back home to her family in the Puget Sound 💔
#RIPTokitae #Tokitae #Orca #Lolita #WhidbeyIsland #PennCove #PugetSound #LummiNation #Lummi #WashingtonState #Sk'aliCh'elh-tenaut #SalishSea #Miami #Seaquarium #OrcaWhale #KillerWhile
#killerwhile #orcawhale #seaquarium #miami #SalishSea #sk #washingtonstate #lummi #lummination #pugetsound #penncove #whidbeyisland #lolita #orca #Tokitae #riptokitae
Disappointed in headline from https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/aug/18/tokitae-killer-whale-miami-seaquarium-dies-captivity "Star" "beloved" are not the right words for the orca kept captive in 80 feet by 35 feet and is 20 feet of water. #Tokitae #LummiNation #SalishSea #Orca #Miami #Sk'aliCh'elh-tenaut
#tokitae #lummination #salishsea #orca #miami #sk
"Lolita, the Miami Seaquarium orca, died Friday as hopes grew she would leave for the sea"
#Lolita #Tokitae #Seaquarium #BellinghamWA #LummiNation #Lummi #SalishSea #Orca #Miami #WashingtonState #Sk'aliCh'elh-tenaut
#lolita #tokitae #seaquarium #bellinghamwa #lummination #lummi #salishsea #orca #miami #washingtonstate #sk
【三上大進×大野真理子×藤井明子】話題の透明感トリオの“夏に老けない” 美肌座談会 https://www.magmoe.com/935984/voce/2023-08-18/
#【三上大進×大野真理子×藤井明子】 #【三上大進×大野真理子×藤井明子】話題の透明感トリオの“夏に老けない”美肌座談会 #dr365 #ftc #MyNADESHICO #SK-II #TAOYA #uvケア #voce #VoCEChannel #VoCEMagazine #ヴォーチェ #エイジングケア #エフェクティム #エンビロン #オルビス #カネボウ #キールズ #コスメ #コスメデコルテ #サウルス #スキンアミュレ #スキンケア #ファチュイテ #ブライトニング #ポーラ #ランコム #ロート製薬 #三上大進 #三上大進×大野真理子×藤井明子 #保湿 #夏に老けない #夏に老けない”美肌座談会 #大野真理子 #座談会 #美容 #美肌 #美肌座談会 #肌ラボ #藤井明子 #話題の透明感トリオ #話題の透明感トリオの“夏に老けない #透明感
#dr365 #ftc #mynadeshico #sk #taoya #uvケア #voce #vocechannel #vocemagazine #ヴォーチェ #エイジングケア #エフェクティム #エンビロン #オルビス #カネボウ #キールズ #コスメ #コスメデコルテ #サウルス #スキンアミュレ #スキンケア #ファチュイテ #ブライトニング #ポーラ #ランコム #ロート製薬 #三上大進 #保湿 #夏に老けない #大野真理子 #座談会 #美容 #美肌 #美肌座談会 #肌ラボ #藤井明子 #話題の透明感トリオ #話題の透明感トリオの #透明感
TWICEミナ、バレエを始めたきっかけは? SK-II新キャンペーン「美肌への秘密の鍵」 https://www.magmoe.com/917242/maidigitv/2023-08-07/
#cm #maidigi #maidigitv #mantan #sk #twice #ミナ
#KirsiPiha n mietteitä kokoomuksen nykytilasta ja hallitusyhteistyöstä #persut kanssa tällä kertaa #SK:ssa.
#Piha #kokoomus #hallitus #sinimustahallitus #laitaoikeistohallitus #arvot #äärioikeisto #oikeisto #politiikka #yhteiskunta
#kirsipiha #persut #sk #piha #kokoomus #hallitus #sinimustahallitus #laitaoikeistohallitus #arvot #aarioikeisto #oikeisto #politiikka #yhteiskunta
Takmer celá¹ slovenská politická scéna je extrémistická.
Je na nej extrémne veľa kokotských strán, v ktorých sú extrémne prijebaní ľudia. Viď napr. nižšie citovaný Eštok.
¹/ Napr.: Hlas, Smer, OĽANO, Sme rodina, Republika, SNS, ĽSNS 🤦
#slovensko #politika #extrémizmus #SK
Generálny manažér Hlasu Matúš Šutaj Eštok považuje Progresívne Slovensko za extrémistickú stranu. Ide podľa neho o „extrémistickú liberálnu stranu z bratislavskej kaviarne“.
#slovensko #politika #extremizmus #sk
August: Blue Moon and Perfect Perseids
Many skywatchers look forward to seeing the Perseid meteors every August, and this month’s Sky Tour episode why they’ll be especially good this year. You’ll also learn what's so special about the full Moon that falls on the night of August 30–31. The post August: Blue Moon and Perfect Perseids appeared first on Sky & Telescope .
#Astronomy_&_Observing_News #Night_Sky_Sights #Observing #Sk
#astronomy_ #night_sky_sights #observing #sk
Pleased to meet you! I'm a small-city Canadian movie fan. I love Australian and New Zealand movies particularly because they're kind of like us - limited population means small budgets - but they're more isolated from the American cultural steamroller, so they do amazing things. Story is a whole lot more important when $100M of CGI is not an option.
Any particular movies? I'd love some recommendations I've never seen.
#Saskatchewan #sk #comedy #zany #screwball
This judge must have been smoking lake reeds or something...this is going to get reversed almost certainly. #SK
I agree with you that that modern #liberal/#progressive politics, #infected with this #toxic #elitism, bears a large share of responsibility for our present condition, where politics can't be discussed #rationally. Those towards one side of the spectrum decided the rest were "#deplorables", and that was that.
#liberal #infected #toxic #elitism #rationally #deplorables #sk #ndp
Time for a #timeline #cleanse.
This fellow took an afternoon-long snooze in the lawn because of the heat; it was 32C here at the time, and the humidex was 38. Nobunny wants to be hopping around in a fur coat in those conditions.
Apologies for the blur; this was shot through foliage (and a dirty window...).
#jackrabbit #hare #wildlife #heat #humidex #snooze #siesta #sk #saskatchewan #canada
#timeline #cleanse #jackrabbit #hare #wildlife #heat #humidex #snooze #siesta #sk #Saskatchewan #canada