After a lot of makeup from work,that's why,sometimes my iphone never recognize my face as a face.. anyway,i take my kids for a trip to flowers shop,is time for planting we have fun! #skeletonsintheircloset #soullesstaint #followthecar #whoopsiedaisies #bewarerealcitrantlegislators #oddlittleduck #tossup #slummingit #gossipcolumn #Nemesis
#skeletonsintheircloset #soullesstaint #followthecar #whoopsiedaisies #bewarerealcitrantlegislators #oddlittleduck #tossup #slummingit #gossipcolumn #Nemesis
The president of united state of America left behind North Ireland (Catholic aka protestants); opinion people are divided you really think"sunflower"seeds is the best choice of snack, Catholic..protestant church?the same"holly"nobody move from the church,other just blink, while we're trying not to...not to hate each other?I'm just thinking maybe there's better snack,that's I don't know,I love you buddy?? #wimps #pipedown #outofpitied #packofdweebs #sycophanticminions #skeletonsintheircloset
#wimps #pipedown #outofpitied #packofdweebs #sycophanticminions #skeletonsintheircloset
I don't you to associate my p3n!s with my face,well, pretend there's another guy in here...he's a little fella,&his p3n!s is the same height as mine &I'm just leaning over his back so you still see my face &he doesn't say a word because I threatened to"fire"him if he made a...peep;I kiss a boyzzz! #wimps #pipedown #outofpitied #packofdweebs #sycophanticminions #skeletonsintheircloset #soullesstaint #followthecar
#wimps #pipedown #outofpitied #packofdweebs #sycophanticminions #skeletonsintheircloset #soullesstaint #followthecar
I don't understand why people are upset at Zlatan Ibrahimović,every country is beautiful,also me I was in Qatar,but that don't mean I'm stay stuck on bad things,not the wordzzz make a man,the brain make to be a man #oddlittleduck #bewarerealcitrantlegislators #whoopsiedaisies #followthecar #soullesstaint #skeletonsintheircloset #sycophanticminions #packofdweebs #outofpitied
#oddlittleduck #bewarerealcitrantlegislators #whoopsiedaisies #followthecar #soullesstaint #skeletonsintheircloset #sycophanticminions #packofdweebs #outofpitied
A lot of people think,I'm just talking,with friends,physiologic,walking,I like to take my mental health time,coloring...just me,with my thoughts..quit,relax,great music;I have a great time; #wimps #pipedown #outofpitied #packofdweebs #sycophanticminions #skeletonsintheircloset #soullesstaint #followthecar
#wimps #pipedown #outofpitied #packofdweebs #sycophanticminions #skeletonsintheircloset #soullesstaint #followthecar
So let get the blood pumping with my fav game tennis..bent to the left,bent to the right,get the big spring,stretch the big spring,stop to smoke,get a big towel,put it behind your neck &tuck in in your shirt,looks like boobs,but is fun #sycophanticminions #skeletonsintheircloset #soullesstaint #followthecar #whoopsiedaisies #bewarerealcitrantlegislators #oddlittleduck #tossup #slummingit #gossipcolumn
#sycophanticminions #skeletonsintheircloset #soullesstaint #followthecar #whoopsiedaisies #bewarerealcitrantlegislators #oddlittleduck #tossup #slummingit #gossipcolumn
Happy time in the kitchen,kidzz cooking organic fresh fairtade support local farmers market #pipedown #outofthepitied #packofdweebs #sycophanticminions #skeletonsintheircloset #soullestain #followthecar #whoopsiedaisies #bewarerealcitrantlegislators #oddlittleduck #tossup #slummingit #gossipcolumn #nemesis #holdhands #getaleash #quack #bringbackourback #chillsesh #warbyparker #flavwithnachos
#pipedown #outofthepitied #packofdweebs #sycophanticminions #skeletonsintheircloset #soullestain #followthecar #whoopsiedaisies #bewarerealcitrantlegislators #oddlittleduck #tossup #slummingit #gossipcolumn #Nemesis #holdhands #getaleash #quack #bringbackourback #chillsesh #warbyparker #flavwithnachos
Finland vote yesterday in the gov to enjoy #otan #nato it's like watching magician bully jugglers...for my side,all this membership is a joke,but #magyarorszag & #turkey wear a orange jumpsuit & that is not a joke I don't feel save,if you ask me about this nato ballerinas club,if I afraid of something?I reserve that feeling for myself #sycophanticminions #skeletonsintheircloset #soullesstaint #followthecar #whoopsiedaisies
#otan #NATO #magyarorszag #turkey #sycophanticminions #skeletonsintheircloset #soullesstaint #followthecar #whoopsiedaisies
Awesome time with my gilz let's play,happy time #bakerstreet #wifebeater #playgrabasdwithfreaks #paythepiper #homeboy #fieldchalk #bottomofthetotempeople #sombodycallshonda #absentmindednuttypers #wimps #pipedown #outofpitied #packofdweebs #sycophanticminions #skeletonsintheircloset #soullesstaint #followthecar #whoopsiedaisies #bewarerealcitrantlegislators #oddlittleduck #tossup #slummingit #gossipcolumn #Nemesis #holdhands #getaleash #getaleash #quack #bringbackourback #chillsesh #WarbyPartner
#bakerstreet #wifebeater #playgrabasdwithfreaks #paythepiper #homeboy #fieldchalk #bottomofthetotempeople #sombodycallshonda #absentmindednuttypers #wimps #pipedown #outofpitied #packofdweebs #sycophanticminions #skeletonsintheircloset #soullesstaint #followthecar #whoopsiedaisies #bewarerealcitrantlegislators #oddlittleduck #tossup #slummingit #gossipcolumn #Nemesis #holdhands #getaleash #quack #bringbackourback #chillsesh #warbypartner
I love Californians,but you know what? how hard you try to be, nobody can learn a lion to be herbivorous #wimps #pipedown #outofpitied #packofdweebs #sycophanticminions #skeletonsintheircloset #soullesstaint
#wimps #pipedown #outofpitied #packofdweebs #sycophanticminions #skeletonsintheircloset #soullesstaint
#Journalisten from #danmark have talk today about the inappropriate language,wordzzz,ideas,thinking you name it about woman's body by danish national tv station DR,you did seem less into integrity the day that I convinced skinny people that when you made that U-turn on the freeway &tried to order chalupas from emergency call box that your only real crime was loving top models,but cultures never prosper #skeletonsintheircloset
#journalisten #danmark #skeletonsintheircloset
I talk for living,but you're guys?do the real work #Parley !and I plan,in the future,to get you paid for it!I'm passionate,too just manifest differently ...not with animals #skeletonsintheircloset
#parley #skeletonsintheircloset
Is something wrong with the soul of our millennium generation,z generation,x generation,but can not use religion like a tools,because,yes,god hates the sin,but he loves the sinner #skeletonsintheircloset
Newspaper are full of drama,like story about man how had to work late,she call his boss &find out that he didn't... #busted!the story continue with spending all morning on the phone crying & cursing to her friend,the story end with if had to work late one more time,she's filing for divorce,yes!this are the tasty dish for sale a newspaper in our day's #skeletonsintheircloset
#busted #skeletonsintheircloset