In his book, 'Experiments on Reality', the cartographer and writer Tim Robinson describes the 'three fragile moments of place' as 'beauty, strangeness and antiquity'.
I can't think of anywhere that fits the criteria so well as Skellig Michael.
If you'd like to delve deeper into the story and visitor experience of Skellig Michael, you can read more in our free article
#skelligs #skelligmichael #archaeology #irishhistory #wildatlanticway #irisharchaeology #worldheritage
#Skelligs #skelligmichael #archaeology #irishhistory #WildAtlanticWay #irisharchaeology #worldheritage
Yep this is on my bucket list. #StarWars #SkelligMichael #Ireland
#starwars #skelligmichael #ireland
RT @willywaldo: Happy St. Patrick's Day! One of the most beautiful places on the planet is #SkelligMichael, home to a 9th-century monastery. For your #FridayReads, try Emma Donoghue's haunting reimagining of the lives of the monks who inhabited this barren, remote island off the Irish coast.
MitÀ tekee nörtti Irlannissa? KÀy tietenkin Luke Skywalkerin erakkosaarella. Blogissa esittelyssÀ Unescon maailmanperintökohteisiin kuuluva Skellig Michael ja vinkit sen saavuttamiseen.
ElÀmÀni upeimpia kokemuksia ja merkittÀvÀ paikka myös ei-faneille.
#StarWars #SkelligMichael #irlanti #ireland
#Ireland #irlanti #skelligmichael #StarWars
A follow up to last week's #ThrowbackThursday A 26 year old picture from #SkelligMichael and its other worldly 6th century other worldly that it's since been used as a location in #TheForceAwakens and #TheLastJedi
This another scanned 35mm print #DailyPhoto #StarWars #Ireland #Kerry
#kerry #ireland #starwars #dailyphoto #thelastjedi #theforceawakens #skelligmichael #ThrowbackThursday
A 26 year old #DailyPhoto for #ThrowbackThursday. This is the #Gannet colony of #LittleSkellig taken on a very.....very..... rough boat trip to #SkelligMichael
#kerry #ireland #skelligmichael #littleskellig #gannet #ThrowbackThursday #dailyphoto
If you're on Instagram we have a new InstaZine out today!
This is the first in a series of short magazines just for Instagram that you can swipe through to discover fantastic Irish heritage sites, books we love and Tuatha Members share their favourite place in Ireland.
You can find it right here, if you enjoy it please do give us a follow:
#Ireland #IrishArchaeology #IrishHistory #Irish #Jerpoint #JerpointAbbey #Glendalough #SkelligMichael #Skelligs #IrishBooks
#ireland #irisharchaeology #irishhistory #irish #jerpoint #jerpointabbey #Glendalough #skelligmichael #Skelligs #irishbooks
On a dreary November day like today what better way to spend sometime than organising my pictures from the past year. These are some images of my visit to Skellig Michael (Sceilig MhichĂl) in August.
I need to plan a visit to #Ireland and to tour this gorgeous location where Luke Skywalker was living. #StarWars #LukeSkywalker #Film #Location #SkelligMichael đ„ł
#ireland #starwars #lukeskywalker #film #location #skelligmichael