Annika Harrison hat Bernd Harder für den #skepticalinquirer interviewt
Zum Interview, in English please:
Jerry A. Coyne und Luana S. Maroja haben für den #skepticalinquirer einen Artikel verfasst. Jetzt ist auch die Übersetzung verfügbar.
#RichardDawkins #Biology #science
#science #biology #richarddawkins #skepticalinquirer
The evolution of creationism. #creationism #evolution #skepticism #skeptic #intelligentdesign #science #education #skepticalinquirer
#creationism #evolution #skepticism #skeptic #IntelligentDesign #science #education #skepticalinquirer
Bei der Mitgliederversammlung der @gwup am Samstag in Frankfurt wurde #HolmHuemmler zum neuen Vorstandsvorsitzenden gewählt.
Hier noch einmal sein Interview mit #AnnikaHarrison für den #skepticalinquirer, in dem er betont, wie wichtig besonders auch für die #Skeptiker*Innen #Inklusion ist:
#inklusion #skeptiker #skepticalinquirer #annikaharrison #holmhuemmler
European Skeptics Chronicles
Meine @gwup Kolleginnen #AnnikaHarrison und @owlsome_ovo im Gespräch, but in English:
#Gwupsis #Skeptics #science
#science #skeptics #gwupsis #skepticalinquirer #annikaharrison
Join us on Thursday, April 27 at 23:00 UTC for the next #SkepticalInquirer Presents livestream event with #MickWest: - he will explain how he reverse-engineers #UFO videos and demonstrate how he uses other videogame programming techniques to visualize this interactively. The skills and techniques used to find the root cause of bugs and glitches in videogames are the same used to figure out what a UFO is.
#ufo #mickwest #skepticalinquirer
Join us on Thursday, April 27 at 23:00 UTC for the next #SkepticalInquirer Presents livestream event with #MickWest: - he will explain how he reverse-engineers #UFO videos and demonstrate how he uses other videogame programming techniques to visualize this interactively. The skills and techniques used to find the root cause of bugs and glitches in videogames are the same used to figure out what a UFO is.
#ufo #mickwest #skepticalinquirer
The Center for Inquiry Investigations Group offers a half-million dollars to anyone who can demonstrate paranormal ability under controlled conditions.
#CFI #CenterForInquiry #ParanormalChallenge #SkepticalInquirer
#cfi #centerforinquiry #paranormalchallenge #skepticalinquirer
@dreed I remember well the warm feeling mixed with pride when my #SkepticalInquirer article came out. Enjoy the front page! (And knowing that I'm kind of jealous of you. 😉)
Hey everyone,
I received my pre-release contributor's copies of the upcoming January issue of the Skeptical Inquirer today! I am thrilled that my investigation and subsequent article on "The Case of the Devil's Baby of Ravenswood" is the cover story for the issue! I am honored beyond measure, humbled, and amazed. I would never have believed it possible that I would have a cover story on a national publication. It is a dream come true.
I appreciate everyone who put the time and effort into me that are the people who made this possible, especially Benjamin Radford and the late Kendrick Frazier. You can read Ken's final note to the readers in this issue.
If it isn't an imposition, I would appreciate any boosts that you would be willing to give this post to help me celebrate. Thank you all so very much.
#skepticalinquirer #skepticism #criticalthinking #writing #paranormal #weird #folklore
My morning reads . . .
#science #ScientificAmerican #SkepticalInquirer #skeptic
#science #scientificamerican #skepticalinquirer #skeptic