(Nobody is opposed to ivermectin to treat things it actually works on, Pierre!) https://www.skepticalraptor.com/skepticalraptorblog.php/the-war-on-ivermectin-by-pierre-kory-is-coming-hes-still-wrong/
"The War on Ivermectin" by Pierre Kory is coming — he's still wrong | Skeptical Raptor #SkepticalRaptor #covid19 #PierreKory #ivermectin
#skepticalraptor #COVID19 #pierrekory #ivermectin
(Nobody is opposed to ivermectin to treat things it actually works on, Pierre!)
"The War on Ivermectin" by Pierre Kory is coming — he's still wrong | Skeptical Raptor #SkepticalRaptor #covid19 #PierreKory #ivermectin
#skepticalraptor #COVID19 #pierrekory #ivermectin
He is snarky in a good way, you can't believe in #evidencebasedmedicine and not love to read #skepticalraptor aka #orac the legendary #blogger David Gorski, MD, PhD
Here is his classic debunk of the #galileoploy aka #galileofallacy
#EvidenceBasedMedicine #skepticalraptor #orac #blogger #galileoploy #galileofallacy
He is snarky in a good way, you can't believe in #evidencebasedmedicine and not love to read #skepticalraptor aka #orac
Here is his classic debunk of the #galileoploy aka #galileofallacy
#EvidenceBasedMedicine #skepticalraptor #orac #galileoploy #galileofallacy