Holy crap, all it took was watching one, short video to show my girls how credit card imprinters worked for us to pay with a card in shops before chin-and-pin machines, and this has been my recommendations for the last week ...
@mikehall314, having been listening to your articles on Skeptics with a K, this felt ... timely ...
#YouTube #Algorithms #YouTubeRecommendation #YouTubeAlgorithm #SkepticsWithAK
#youtube #algorithms #youtuberecommendation #youtubealgorithm #skepticswithak
Hearing @mikehall@mastodon.world and @Marsh discuss “The Yellow Sign People” made me think of cultists in the Unspeakable Vault of Doom trying to abjure Lovecraftian nightmares.
#skepticswithak #hplwouldtellwhiteroseandqtotoneitdown
Learned more than I wanted to know about “Piglans” and “Blazerot” and being skeptical of speed runs. Loving #skepticswithak.
Listening to #skepticswithak. I was impressed hearing about Emma’s 50 mile run for charity. Passing the link along: https://www.refugeewomenconnect.org.uk/fundraisers/runningreallyfarforrefugeewomen
#SkepticsWithAK #skeptics #MerseysideSkeptics #autism #burnout Unlikely to reach far enough here but on a recent episode of Skeptics With a K, Mike talked about autistic burnout. I think it was 13th October 2022 but I’m not sure. I don’t mind listening to loads of episodes again because it’s a fantastic podcast, but I wanted to recommend it to a friend so that might take too long! If anyone knows for sure which it was I’d be grateful. Thanks.
#burnout #Autism #merseysideskeptics #skeptics #skepticswithak
Sunday morning listen: #SWaK with @Marsh, @AliceEmmaLouise, and @mikehall314.
Highly recommend it!
#Skepticism #Scams #CriticalThinking
[Skeptics with a K] Episode #345 🅴 #skepticsWithAK
https://podcastaddict.com/episode/151016591 via @PodcastAddict
#swak #skepticism #scams #criticalthinking #skepticswithak
Skeptics with a K: Episode #345
In the first episode of 2023, @mikehall314 talks about the promotion of misinformation on Twitter by its new owner Elon Musk, and I look into a website scam based around false copyright claims and backlinks. Meanwhile, @AliceEmmaLouise has a bad Christmas.
#skepticswithak #skeptic #copyright #musk #birdsite
Skeptics with a K: Episode #343
Alice looks at the risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease, while Mike looks at the evidence for mix-and-match vaccination. Plus, Mike has some very strange dreams.
#Skeptics #SkepticsWithAK #CriticalThinking #Vaccines #Podcasts #Alzheimers
#Skeptics #skepticswithak #criticalthinking #vaccines #podcasts #alzheimers
Skeptics with a K: Episode #342
This week, Alice talks about the home hormone and fertility-testing service Hertility, and Marsh is surprised when a group of anti-vaxxers come to see him speak in Glasgow. Meanwhile, Mike moves into an AirBNB.
#SkepticsWithAK #Skeptics #CriticalThinking #Hertility #Antivax #Vaccine #ConspiracyTheories
#skepticswithak #Skeptics #criticalthinking #hertility #antivax #vaccine #conspiracytheories