I had today an absolute blast at speaking with someone that I followed for quite some time here on :mastodon:
We talked for 2 hours 🤯 (but truth be told, maybe it's me becoz well that's the usual with many people I meet: I am a sucker for deep conversation 😁).
He gave me some beautiful links which are so on point with what I'm doing right now! And that sparked a desire to talk again on the subject of the art of giving #feedback.
I'll be doing a #sketchnote on it this month.
Eigentlich klar, oder? Erst durch genaues Zuhören und den passenden visuellen Bausteine nimmt eine Sketchnote Gestalt an.
Eine flinke Hand ist natürlich auch von Vorteil. 😉 Das stelle ich bei schnellsprechenden Speaker:innen immer wieder fest.
Juh! I held my very first talk on a conference ever on #UXCampHH23 about #dataviz ❤️ & I even got a #sketchnote ❤️❤️❤️ https://www.linkedin.com/posts/indra-burkart-30246ba1_uxcamphh23-uxcamphh-sketchnotes-activity-7101150276866170881-VFBu?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
#uxcamphh23 #dataviz #sketchnote
@benzogaga33 😁 ben il est super ce pinguin 😍
J'utilise le #sketchnote mais plus partcilierement le visuel pour coacher et accompagner mes client-es
Farmland biodiversity: doodlized!
Brilliant morning spent with Countryways Road Farm and Dadima' CIC, sharing our love of farmland biodiversity. We looked at the herbal leys and chalk meadow, explored woodland saw pits, marvelled at a huge diversity of flowers (inc a lovely violet helleborine!) and fungi...and enjoyed nibbling on some tasty fat blackberries! A really lovely way to spend a Sunday morning with friends 🙏
#sketchnote #naturejournal #farmbiodiversity
Schönes Online-Tool zum Zeichnen mit SVG-Download:
Besonders gut gefällt mir, dass man auch einen Link zur Skizze teilen kann. Über den Link sieht man dann, wie die Zeichnung entstanden ist.
(Vielleicht interessant für #Sketchnote - Menschen im #FediLZ und anderswo).
Brilliant weekend of #SciArt goodness at the Guild of Natural Science Illustrators conf this weekend! Lovely to join creatives from all over the world to geek out about visual science communication.
Interesting career stories. Discussions around short-form video, animation, AI, meaning-making & co-design. Practical tips on techniques, daily practice and learning.
So much to digest! I'll definitely be rewatching some of the sessions.
Always have my doodle pens going - helps me think #SketchNote
@davidrevoy thanks a lot for answering 😊
That is so interesting.
What strikes me in your style is boldness of traits and depth (and ofc course emotions and meaning). The act of simplifying somehow made your style more asserted...
I am not an artist like you. I do #sketchnote and I definitely take way too much time. 😜
I don't know yet how to get quicker (the longest time is spent of dealing with the data)... yet. But practice will tell. 😊
I just finished the session.
I had (like I usually do) a stage fright (what if It doesn't work...).
I had a blast and my client was amazed...
Me too! 🤣😜
I had a blast, my client is an absolute gem... and I love what I do!
I will do the #sketchnote tomorrow.
And will open an account at mastodon.art to put all my work.
Cheers 💖💚
Last month I have given 1 of my services. Not the smallest one but not the biggest 1 either.
It was a first in terms of linking my coaching to a #sketchnote ...
I am doing the smallest 1 in a few days.
Would u be interested in a case study blog post? (I have the approval of the person I did it with)
And if yes, what would you like to see included?
I am wondering if it is worthwhile to share my process or not... et comment la personne a vécu tt ça
Thanks in advance 4 your answers 😊
Nachdem mein vergessenes #sketchnote 1x1 gestern so viel Zuspruch erfuhr, hab ich hier noch einige der ersten Flipcharts, die ich mal gemalt habe. Damals für einen LEX (Lernen von Experten)- afterwork Kurs "Fotografie für Einsteiger", oder auch bekannt als "die wilde Fotosafarie". 😏
Vielleicht fängt ja der eine oder andere #Fotografie-Einsteiger hier was damit an.
NFDI Infra Talk on Open Knowledge Graphs Held by Peter Kraker
Trying to understand and staying focused by scibbling...
#nfdirocks #open #knowledge #sketchnote
WWDC23: What’s new in UIKit by Dima Gorbik 🤩
#wwdc23 #sketchnote #sketchnoting
"Hexagonal Frontend" von Marco Emrich #SocratesDayFranken #Sketchnote
#socratesdayfranken #sketchnote
"API first" Diskussion, Ideen, Tools... von Thorsten Brunzendorf #SocratesDayFranken #Sketchnote
#socratesdayfranken #sketchnote
"Testing without Mocks" von Martin Grandrath #SocratesDayFranken #Sketchnote
#socratesdayfranken #sketchnote
Hi #medlibs #datalibs #critlibs #dataviz #sketchnote #bibliometrics #NeedsAssessment #accessibility folks,
I have some professional development funds available to spend before the end of the month (ie, pay in June -- it's ok if the event happens later on). Any suggestions?
BTW I am COVID-aware and not interested in an in-person event unless the organizers put serious effort into minimizing risk.
#medlibs #datalibs #critlibs #dataviz #sketchnote #bibliometrics #needsassessment #accessibility
And another great WWDC talk about new APIs and enhancements for accessibility with SwiftUI and UIKit by Allison Lettiere 🤩
#wwdc23 #sketchnote #sketchnoting #accessibility
Learn how to perform Accessibility Audits for your app with Bhavya Garg 🥳
#wwdc23 #sketchnote #sketchnoting #accessibility