Ski-Doo and Lynx Snowmobiles Leak Fuel: All model year 2023 Ski-Doo Freeride, Summit, Lynx Shredder snowmobiles with an 850E-TEC Turbo R Engine have leaky main injector fuel return hoses. This creates fire/burn hazards. #skidoo #lynx #snowmobiles #fuelleak #fire #burns #recall
#skidoo #lynx #snowmobiles #fuelleak #fire #burns #recall
Abandoned Mill. © Copyright 2023 G Dan Mitchell.
An abandoned mill on a steep slope high in the Panamint Mountains.
For someone like me, the first instinct is to think of Death Valley National Park as being mostly wilderness, and then to associate that with the idea that it is a place of little or no human presence. In truth there’s virtually no place in the world where we have not left a mark… and there are many examples in this park. They range from evidence of long-ago native populations and their descendants who still live there to the rather astonishing number of old mining sites. No matter where you go in this park., you are bound to see these things.
#deathvalley #nationalpark #historic #mining #ghosttown #landscape #desert #travel #photography #skidoo
#deathvalley #nationalpark #historic #mining #Ghosttown #landscape #desert #travel #photography #skidoo
My cousin on his #SkiDoo #Summit850x He’s gotten to be a very good and talented rider! #mountains #snowmobile #idaho #wyoming
#skidoo #summit850x #mountains #snowmobile #idaho #wyoming
On January 8, 2010 Skidoo was screened as a single-feature on TCM Underground. Here’s some original Jackie Gleason art to celebrate!
#TCMParty #TCMUnderground #Skidoo #OttoPreminger #JackieGleason #DrugFilm #HippieMovies #CrimeComedy #ParodyFilm #Parody #DrugMovies #StonerComedy #StonerFilm #1960s #60sCinema #FanArt
#TCMParty #tcmunderground #skidoo #ottopreminger #jackiegleason #drugfilm #hippiemovies #crimecomedy #parodyfilm #parody #drugmovies #stonercomedy #stonerfilm #1960s #60scinema #FanArt
On January 4, 2008 Skidoo and The Love-Ins were screened as a double-feature on TCM Underground. Here’s some Jackie Gleason and Susan Oliver art to mark the occasion!
#TCMParty #TCMUnderground #Skidoo #TheLoveIns #DoubleFeature #CultCinema #HippieMovies #DrugMovies #CountercultureFilm #ComedyMovies #Drawing #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#TCMParty #tcmunderground #skidoo #theloveins #doublefeature #cultcinema #hippiemovies #drugmovies #counterculturefilm #comedymovies #drawing #movieart #moviehistory
My cousin ripping it up on a Gen5 Ski-doo 850 turbo. #thatskidoofeeling #StarValleyWyoming #skidoo
#thatskidoofeeling #starvalleywyoming #skidoo
On December 19, 1968 Skidoo debuted in the United States. Here's an original drawing of Jackie Gleason to celebrate!
#Skidoo #JackieGleason #PenDrawing #Art #CultCinema #StonerMovies #HippieMovies #DrugMovies #ExploitationFilm #FanArt #ComedyMovies #TCMUnderground
#skidoo #jackiegleason #pendrawing #art #cultcinema #stonermovies #hippiemovies #drugmovies #exploitationfilm #FanArt #comedymovies #tcmunderground
My cousin put this video together of a ride we were on a few weeks ago. #snowmobile #wyoming #skidoo
Don’t Mind If I Ski-Do
#TransportationHacks #boatbuilding #watersports #jetski #skidoo #boat
#TransportationHacks #boatbuilding #watersports #jetski #skidoo #boat
#snowmobiles #skidoo your way to #ottawa #parliament for #freedom !!!
#truckersforfreedom2022 #truckersconvoy2022 #trudeaumustgo #freedom #parliament #ottawa #skidoo #Snowmobiles
slide it
#jura #skidoo #forest #snow #wilderness #photography #love
#love #photography #wilderness #snow #forest #skidoo #jura